Stern/Johnson/Anderson - 工管

By Ina
at 2012-03-29T15:25
at 2012-03-29T15:25
Table of Contents
A big congrats to getting multiple offers to top MBA programs!
I'm currently a Stern student who will be interning at Bain & Co this summer
and I'm also heavily involved with the student clubs and school administration.
If you have any questions, I'd be more than happy to chat and help you
figure out whether Stern is the right choice for you. If you want to, I can
also hook you up with another Taiwanese student who will be joining McKinsey
this year. Stern is "traditionally" a strong finance school, but its
consulting focus has been growing tremendouly. In my year 100 out of 390
students planned on going into consulting (that's 1/4 of the class).
Anyways, my email is [email protected]. Shoot me an email and I'll give
you my number.
※ 引述《itsmeg (megan)》之銘言:
: 嗨 各位先進前輩大家好
: 小妹我很榮幸的得到Stern,Johnson and Anderson的offer
: 我自己也在追夢,傷咖和這邊研究了好久
: 不知道要選哪間學校比較好
: 雖然我身邊大部分的人都推薦我念Stern
: 因為Stern離所有的企業比較近
: 也有很多在McKinsey等1st tier consulting firm的alumni
: 加上Stern本身有很多consulting focus的課程
: 但是我想聽聽版上的各位先進前輩
: 對於這三間學校有沒有什麼批評指教或是讚譽有加的想法呢?
: 先說一下我的背景
: 2.5yrs 四大 auditor
: 短期內想往management consulting發展
: 在此先謝謝各位先進前輩的指教了~感恩!!
A big congrats to getting multiple offers to top MBA programs!
I'm currently a Stern student who will be interning at Bain & Co this summer
and I'm also heavily involved with the student clubs and school administration.
If you have any questions, I'd be more than happy to chat and help you
figure out whether Stern is the right choice for you. If you want to, I can
also hook you up with another Taiwanese student who will be joining McKinsey
this year. Stern is "traditionally" a strong finance school, but its
consulting focus has been growing tremendouly. In my year 100 out of 390
students planned on going into consulting (that's 1/4 of the class).
Anyways, my email is [email protected]. Shoot me an email and I'll give
you my number.
※ 引述《itsmeg (megan)》之銘言:
: 嗨 各位先進前輩大家好
: 小妹我很榮幸的得到Stern,Johnson and Anderson的offer
: 我自己也在追夢,傷咖和這邊研究了好久
: 不知道要選哪間學校比較好
: 雖然我身邊大部分的人都推薦我念Stern
: 因為Stern離所有的企業比較近
: 也有很多在McKinsey等1st tier consulting firm的alumni
: 加上Stern本身有很多consulting focus的課程
: 但是我想聽聽版上的各位先進前輩
: 對於這三間學校有沒有什麼批評指教或是讚譽有加的想法呢?
: 先說一下我的背景
: 2.5yrs 四大 auditor
: 短期內想往management consulting發展
: 在此先謝謝各位先進前輩的指教了~感恩!!
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