The 5 Worst Interview Mistakes - 工管

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2011-12-01T21:59

Table of Contents

So, youˆre getting interview invitations… but no acceptance letters. Whatˆ
s the deal?

We canˆt say for sure (after all, we werenˆt sitting in the interview with
you…) but we do know of some pretty common interview faux pas that can keep
you from getting that coveted acceptance letter. And now that Round 2
deadlines are coming up – and with them, even more opportunities to
interview – you may want to check yourself before you wreck yourself.

Are you committing one of the 5 sins of MBA interviews?

Not Practicing Your English

If youˆre an international applicant and get invited for an interview (over
the phone or in-person), you need to polish up those English skills, friend.
What you may not realize is the interview is the adcomˆs chance to test your
English… and you donˆt want to fail that test. Take some extra time
conversing with other English speakers and perfecting everything – accents,
speech, pronunciations…everything. Practice, practice, practice until youˆ
re absolutely sure youˆre putting your best, most polished English in motion
in your interviews.

Telling NEW Stories Instead of your BEST Stories

After writing about your biggest accomplishment for three different
applications, youˆre probably sick of telling the same story about that time
you led a team of 100 people on a $2 billion project. Although it may be
tempting to come up with a new story to try to stand out from other
applicants, your best bet is to use the story youˆve been writing about.
Most interviews are done blind, meaning the interviewer hasnˆt seen your
application. And even if they have, your best story will always be the most

Poor Questions for your Interviewer

Even if it doesnˆt feel like it, when the interviewer asks if you have any
questions for him, it is still part of the interview. And youˆre still being
judged. And you must have some questions. But not just any questions, folks.
They need to prove youˆre putting some thought into this, youˆve done your
homework about the school, and that youˆre genuinely interested in finding
out more information. Do not ask any questions that can easily be answered by
hopping on Google. (¨So…what is this ¯case methodˆ HBS is so famous for??!
〃) Do ask detailed questions about specific programs, classes, student
groups, the job recruitment process, etc. Ask things that show your interest
in that specific program while proving youˆre a good fit for that program.

Talking Too Much (or Too Little)

In terms of how long your answers should be, shoot for 2-4 minutes per
answer. If you shorten your answer to 30 seconds, the interviewee will think
you have nothing else to offer…. but if you talk and talk for more than 5
minutes, the interviewer will lose focus, get bored and zone out. If youˆre
worried that 2-4 minutes isnˆt enough, let the interviewer ask for more
information. This shouldnˆt be a monologue, you know.

Sabotaging Yourself After The Fact

The only communication you should be sending to the admissions department
after your interview is a thank-you note. Do NOT send more than one thank-you
note, and do NOT send them some mean letter about how ¨all your friends are
getting acceptance letters, but not you.〃 Be patient and find something else
to focus your energy on. Another application? A new hobby? Your… job?

Jon Frank
Founder Precision Essay

Tags: 工管

All Comments

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2011-12-06T20:33
thank you~

Kellogg Ambassador Event

Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2011-11-29T15:40
各位對Kellogg有興趣的申請者, 此次活動的場地容納人數有限, 我們從Admission Office處得知報名相當踴躍 學校僅依報名人數提供學校及program介紹等書面資料 若您尚未上網報名, 請盡速利用下方連結登記報名 謝謝配合也預祝所有申請者申請順利! ※ 引述《bensonn (超級忙 ...


Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2011-11-27T23:59
請問各位一個問題 前陣子我申請了我各個學校的application account 我忘記在什麼步驟裡會看到詢問申請者是否要waive掉看到推薦信的選項 當初沒想它是什麼意思 沒有選擇waive 最近剛好看到一些討論 發現原來一定要選擇waive!! 因為我都還沒開始填寫資料 包括申請信也還沒發送 ...

日本 TOP 商學院 Globis MBA 台北說明會

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2011-11-25T18:38
Globis University位於世界最大的都會地區-日本東京,也是目前日本最大的商學院之一。 2009,10年皆為Nikkei Career Magazine獲選日本第一商學院。每年有上千位日本人就讀該 校的part-time MBA課程. 創辦人Yoshito Hori 是日本商界名人 除了創辦Glo ...

請問在interview前的phone conversation

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2011-11-23T01:08
請問如果學校說要安排一個15分鐘的phone conversation 以決定是否要邀請你來interview 用意是什麼啊? 是因為對我的資格有疑問嗎? 還是這等於就是變相的面試了? 我不知道對這15分鐘的and#34;conversationand#34; 我是否要準備 why MBA? why sch ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2011-11-23T01:08
各位前輩們好 想請教一些疑問 我本身是CS背景(BS) 原本對於mba的認識只限於出來機乎就是走投銀 顧問等 大概就是走金融財經那一塊,後來今天去問了代辦才知道原來mba也有跟科技有關的 因為我本身對於資工領域的Coding不是很在行,未來也沒有做工程師的打算 但還是希望未來工作能跟資訊 科技領域有點關連 考 ...