Update: SARS-related precautions at CFA exam test center - 金融分析師

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2003-05-21T13:31

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寄件者 :
AIMR<[email protected]>

收件者 :

主旨 :
Update: SARS-related precautions at CFA exam test center

日期 :
Tue, 20 May 2003 10:08:59 -0500

Dear CFA candidate,

As mentioned in our previous e-mail message, AIMR will implement precautionary
measures at CFA test centers in SARS-affected areas. Specific requirements that
candidates must follow at AIMR's Taipei test center are listed below:

?SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'"> NEW:
You must complete the Clearance Form and bring it with you to the test
center. The form will be reviewed and collected prior to the start of the
morning session. You are encouraged to arrive at the test center as early
as 7:00 a.m. for check-in. This early check-in time is optional; however,
you must arrive at the test center no later than 8:00 a.m. Be prepared to
wait in line as Clearance Forms are collected and reviewed.

?SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">
You must bring and wear a surgical mask to reduce the risk of infection.
(Note that AIMR will not provide masks or gloves.) You must wear your mask
at all times in the test center after successfully passing the screening.
Testing personnel have the right to ask you to remove your mask for identity
checks. If you wish to request an exemption you must provide a medical
certificate proving that you cannot wear a mask due to medical reasons and
submit this certificate to the Proctor before the examination commences.

?SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">
You are encouraged to take your temperature at home before departing for
the test center. If you are ill and unable to sit for the examination on
exam day, you will be eligible for a deferral if within 30 days you submit
a doctor's note stating that symptoms of SARS are evident. You may fax the
doctor's note to AIMR at 1-434-951-5609.

?SPAN style="FONT: 7pt 'Times New Roman'">
Medical personnel will be posted at all test center entrances to screen
candidates for symptoms of SARS prior to the start of the morning session.
They will review Clearance Forms and will be looking for candidates who are
coughing or who otherwise appear ill. These candidates will be given a body
temperature check. Proctors and medical personnel are authorized to refuse
admittance to anyone who appears to be ill. Anyone with a temperature higher
than 38 degrees Celsius will be refused admittance and asked to leave the
test center at once. Candidates who are refused admittance will receive
enrollment deferrals to the next available examination date. Candidates who
successfully pass the screening will receive a stamp on their hands which
will later provide access to the afternoon session, provided no symptoms
are detected.

We hope you recognize these precautionary measures as necessary steps
designed for your own protection. Thank you again for your patience and

Best regards,

Bob Johnson, CFA, PhD
Senior Vice President, Curriculum & Examinations


All Comments

Re: 請問有沒有關於選擇權和衍生性商品的好書。

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2003-04-27T00:08
其實如果是完全沒有接觸過的的話 john hall 這本還是最好的選擇 不論是深度或廣度都比國內老師寫的好的多 他把所有有關 derivative 最重要的性質都整理的很詳盡 不過我是覺得可能有三個缺點 一個當然就是很多英文 說實在看的還蠻累的 二是他裡面的例子都是以美國市場為主 只看這本書對台灣現在 der ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2003-04-25T13:16
※ 引述《ntcblin (無力的國行報告)》之銘言: : 請問大家什麼叫作布朗運動啊 好像常常聽到過 : 請問大家推薦一本財工入門的書籍 中英皆可 If w is a brownian motion (1)w(t(i)) is independent of w(t(i+1)), for all ...


Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2003-04-24T23:16
※ 引述《pg79 (pg79)》之銘言: : 請問有「如何作財務研究」這種書嗎?如有的話麻煩推薦幾本。 有一本書叫and#34;財金計量and#34; 是吳壽山等四人寫的 有介紹garch...sas...等用法 和一些財務的理論模型如何做實證 書寫得好不好是不清楚啦 不過吳壽山教授算是大師級人物 湛可南老 ...

Re: 修工數........

Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2003-04-07T10:31
: 如果可以的話 : 修數學系的課更好 : 高等微積分哪 線性代數啊 : 數學系的課並沒有那麼難 我也有同學文組出身卻修很多數學系的課的 : 但如果你不願意接受挑戰 又何必唸財工呢 : 微方方程倒可以去工科修一修 : 因為那反正本來就是埋頭苦算 比較沒什麼理論基礎的 工程數學多半貫穿一個學年,有些 ...


Jessica avatar
By Jessica
at 2003-04-04T13:36
從彭柏堅老師那聽來的 提供一個除了美國外的留學資訊 University of Zurich 的 Master of Advanced Studies in Finance http://www.msfinance.ethz.ch/ 英語授課,整個program約14個月(包括thesis) 主要是針 ...