UT Austin McCombs MBA 校友&在校生資訊 - 工管

Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2021-01-21T15:22

Table of Contents

大家好, 我們是 UT Austin McCombs MBA Class of 2019-2021(Class of 2022 沒有台灣人) 的台灣校友和二年級在校生,想跟大家分享這三屆我們台灣同學的相關背景及聯絡方式,歡迎任何對 McCombs 這間TOP20 MBA Program 有興趣的朋友聯絡我們!

我們 program 的三大特色:

1. UT 是美國南方旗艦大校,學校本身資源多、校友多
(且大多是 crazy UT fans,連結很強),也是各大公司重點招募學校,
另一方面 MBA 一年只有 260 人,且第一個學期 cohort 制所以同學之間關係蠻緊密的。

2. 考量兩年的學費生活費和 post-MBA 薪資,
McCombs 絕對是 TOP20 MBA Program 中 CP 值最高!
我們也是少數敢在就業報告中揭露 U.S. Citizen / Permanent Resident 和
Foreign National 分開的薪資產業數據的學校。
Post-MBA 產業以 30% 科技業、25% 管顧、20% 金融業為大宗,
可參考官方 2020 報告 https://utexas.app.box.com/v/mccombs-mba-employment-2020

3. 地點在 Austin,無論是生活品質還是就業在地優勢都非常強!
Austin 連續三年蟬聯全美最宜居城市第一名,有 Silicon Hill 之稱是科技業新寵,
除了原本總部就在 Austin 的公司像是 Dell、Indeed、Whole Foods,
以及原本就有大型區域辦公室的 Google、Facebook、Apple、VISA、IBM、NXP 之外,
這兩年除了 Apple 宣布加碼擴廠新增十萬工作機會,
更吸引了 Oracle、Tesla 將總部從矽谷搬到 Austin ,同時新創產業也蓬勃發展,
像是今年即將上市的 Bumble、戶外用品潮牌 Yeti 的總部都在 Austin ,
每年春天的 SXSW 更是全美科技、音樂、電影盛會,
我們也都很願意和大家分享在 Austin 的生活和求職經驗。

也歡迎參考 ChaseDream 論壇中國校友的分享文:
Class of 2018 https://forum.chasedream.com/thread-1302253-1-1.html
Class of 2020 https://forum.chasedream.com/thread-1338756-1-1.html

Ethan Yin (’19)
[email protected]
BS in Physics, MS in Electrical Engineering
4 years in ODM industry
5 years in IC Design/semi-conductor industry
Post MBA: Product Management in Tech

Riley Chang (’19)
[email protected]
Pre-MBA background:
BS in Economics, MS in Accounting
2 years in IC consulting and audit
4 years commercial banking MA and 2 years overseas secondment
Post MBA goal: Corporate finance in Tech

Tom Hong (’19)
[email protected]
BS in Industrial Engineering
1 year ODM industry
8 years PC industry
Post MBA: Product Management in Tech

Vickie Tung (’19)
[email protected]
BS in Economics
3 years in Audit @Big 4
2 year Consulting & Financial Advisory @Big 4
2 years in non-profit consulting as a co-founder
Post MBA: Corporate finance in tech

Chienwei Wu (’20)
[email protected]
BS in Physics
MS in EE
5 years in semiconductor as engineer
Post-MBA: TPM in Tech

Ariel Wei (’21)
[email protected]
BS in Accounting
1 year in Audit @ big 4
8 years creative in advertising industry
3 years marketing in biotech/manufacturing industry
Post-MBA goal: Corporate finance in Tech

Wan-tung (Catherine) Liao (’21)
[email protected]
BS in Business Administration
2 years in PR agency
7 years marketing in bicycle industry
Intern with SaaS startup
Post-MBA goal: PM or PMM in Tech

Chi-An Chang (’21)
[email protected]
BS in Business Administration
2 years in software company
4 years in advertising agency
1.5 years in manufacturing company
Post-MBA goal: mkt/ analytics

有任何問題也歡迎直接寄至官方信箱:[email protected]

歡迎大家 reach out,Hook'em!

Tags: 工管

All Comments

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2021-01-24T07:31
想請問有沒有辦Coffee Chat或Info Session的機會!
Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2021-01-26T23:40
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2021-01-29T15:49
希望以後有機會能多辦Coffee Chat! 了解疫情的狀況下
Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2021-02-01T07:58
必須Virtual 但還是比較喜歡實體互動哈哈

每週一MBA生涯公益解惑日:何謂Holistic Approach

Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2020-12-09T14:18
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每週一MBA生涯公益解惑日:何謂Candidacy (下)

Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2020-12-02T14:19
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每週一MBA生涯公益解惑日:何謂Candidacy (中)

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2020-11-25T14:34
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每週一MBA生涯公益解惑日:何謂Candidacy (上)

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2020-11-18T18:26
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每週一MBA生涯公益解惑日:M7 R2 求定位

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2020-11-10T15:54
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