Wharton決定採用團體面試,但一對一面試仍繼續 - 工管

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2012-07-27T00:04

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In a conversation with CA today, the Wharton adcom revealed that it plans to
continue with the traditional one-on-one MBA application interview this year
even though it also has announced that it will add a new component to the
interview - a team-based discussion - as part of the school's 2012-2013
application process.

This new method of applicant evaluation was piloted during Round 3 of the
previous admissions cycle and with current MBA students at the Wharton School
last year. According to Wharton, it will be an addition to the current
one-on-one interview, not a replacement.

Rgarding the new group interview, Wharton Vice Dean Karl T. Ulrich said:

"The team-based discussion will allow candidates the opportunity to interact
with fellow applicants through discourse involving real-world business
scenarios, which will highlight how they approach and analyze specific
situations. Our hope is that this will give applicants a glimpse into
Wharton's group learning dynamic – which is central to our program. We
believe that this type of assessment also serves as a tool to take prospective
students 'off the page' and allows us to see firsthand the ways in which
they can contribute to our community of diverse learners and leaders."

While this interview format is new to Wharton, IMD Business School in
Switzerland has had a group case study component in its admissions process
for some time. The key difference is that each year IMD welcomes 90 students
to campus to participate in its one-year MBA program, while Wharton boasts
classes of 800+ for its two-year program.

We will continue to keep you updated as further details about the new
team-based interview become available.

[email protected]

Kevin Chen
Senior Admissions Counselor, Clear Admit LLC (http://www.clearadmit.com/)
Stanford Graduate School of Business, class of 2005
Harvard Kennedy School of Government, class of 2000
Princeton University, class of 1994
Previous work experiences: McKinsey; NBA; Reuters

Tags: 工管

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