Why Our School? — The Inevitable MBA Essay Question - 工管

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2011-09-06T10:44

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Oh, MBA admissions committees. Always wanting applicants to show the love. To
prove that their school is the best and there is nowhere anyone would rather

Makes sense. No one wants to be second best, not even the worldˆs top MBA
programs. And if youˆre spending the time and money to apply, you should
want to be there, right? Right.

Yet this question trips up tons of folks. How do you…do it?

Well, itˆs easy. Sorta.

The key to a compelling response here is to make your response BULLETPROOF.

What does that mean? If you say ¨I like Stanford because of its reputation,
its pre-eminent staff of award-winning profs, its prestige, the breadth of
courses it offers, blah blah blah…〃 Great. Except, those things are also
true for just about every other school in its class. So, while youˆve said a
bunch of really nice things, for our purposes, you havenˆt made any movement
toward a convincing, meaningful argument.

Imagine those questions said this: ¨Assume that our school has the same
books and professors and clubs and classes as school x, y, and z. Taking all
of that for rote, why do you (a) STILL want to go (b) HERE… And not (c)

Imagine the argument that goes ¨Harvard will provide me with the necessary
tools to go out into the real world and accomplish x, y, and z.〃

Maybe so, but will Stanford NOT do that?

Hereˆs a silly example, meant only to illustrate a point:

If you say, when I visited Harvard, I saw a bright yellow tree in the center
of campus, and was awe struck. No other school has trees with color, let
alone a BRIGHT YELLOW one!!! Iˆve always wanted to go to a school with a
great big tree in the center of the campus and my favorite color is yellow,
and Harvard hit it out of the park. It is for THIS reason I want Harvard (and
nowhere else).

Absurd example, obviously, but hereˆs what nice about the nature of that
response: no matter how hard you try… You just canˆt ARGUE with it.

1. The guy likes trees
2. Loves the color yellow…
3. Harvard has the only yellow tree of any school
4. Conclusion: he wants Harvard

Makes SENSE. And is AIR TIGHT. Now… Itˆs your job—when answering this type
of question—to define what YOU want out of B-School… And to find that ¨
yellow tree〃 in the school for which youˆre making an argument. Talk to
people, do research, spend time there if you can… Develop a GENUINE love of
certain (specific) things and talk about them. No one can tell you that you
donˆt like xyz that are SPECIFIC to that school.

Donˆt just write ABOUT the stuff youˆve pulled from the Internet—-anyone
can do that (and most do). And itˆs obvious when it happens. Figure out the
ways in which this school complements what YOU want to do. Poke holes in your
argument, tweak, and keep doing it until you find yourself with an argument
that you simply canˆt pick apart.

I guarantee you thatˆll happen when you get SPECIFIC, and specificity is
pure gold on this one.

Jon Frank
HBS 2005
Founder Precision Essay

Tags: 工管

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Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2011-09-08T00:35

MBA Consultant

Una avatar
By Una
at 2011-09-06T05:21
他們很多人都兼職 而且這很好賺 一個人收台幣二十萬 工作時數一定加起來不會到一個月的正常工時 你就用一個學生花一個月整的時間幫他 賺二十萬 也不差 時新高又沒MC IB壓力這麼大 收學生的時候有幾個 profile好的來加持一下榜單就好了 有些學生明顯有做功課 這種客戶就認真點做 有些人就是擺明了花錢 ...

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Selena avatar
By Selena
at 2011-09-06T02:16
※ [本文轉錄自 studyabroad 看板 #1EPE9oCm ] 作者: idoknow (Work Harder !!) 看板: studyabroad 標題: [情報] 9/17(週六) 哥倫比亞商學院- Coffee Chat 時間: Mon Sep 5 22:53:33 2011 對有興趣 ...


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2011-09-05T12:18
其實看這串文的時候,我心裡有點無奈,好像申請出國,沒花大把銀子在顧問 身上是不行的一樣。我自己是個很省的人,不補習、不太亂花錢,還要繳房貸, 所以對我來說,規劃申請的花費一直都讓我一個頭兩個大。 我一直會想,有沒有什麼事情,是在我花大錢之前,自己應該做的? 有沒有可 以利用的免費資源先嘗試,然後真的要把錢灑 ...

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By Enid
at 2011-09-04T23:12
Hi all, please see below our analysis and advice on this yearand#39;s Wharton essay topics. Good luck! Best, Kevin Chen www.clearadmit.com kevinatclearadm ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2011-09-03T02:32
※ 引述《askMBA (PTT_MBA)》之銘言: : 你好 askMBA : 我現在大學畢業正在考研究所 : 我想請問我想申請哥大和紐約大學 : 這兩間TOP20的學校 : 請問我除了托福和GMAT要考高分 : 我要先念完國內研究所然後再去工作3 4年 : 這樣才會比較好上嗎 : 還是還有其他的方式 : ...