WUSTL Olin - 工管

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2014-05-07T23:40

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※ 引述《vince0106 (vint)》之銘言:
: 前陣子剛面完,提供給大家參考 (R2)
: Interviewer: Kevin Crimmins
: Duration: 26:00
: 開頭先簡短陳述面試目的、進行方式
: 由於Kevin並未瀏覽過其他申請資料,基本上是由履歷部分起頭。
: Questions:
: 1. Briefly talk about your professional experience.
: 2. Follow-up questions:
: 2-1. details about 1st job
: 2-2. about 2nd job (ex: Your biggest achievement)
: 3. Career goal (both short term and long term)
: 4. Why mba
: 5. How did you first learn about Olin?
: 6. Your habits
: 7. Any other information you want to let me know?
: 8. Q&A
: p.s. 第一次發文,請多包涵

也是剛面試完, 在此攥個人品(?)分享一下一個小時前熱騰騰的面經XD

Interviewer : 也是Kevin Crimmins

Duration : 31:00 (最後我硬要多講一個example的關係...)

基本上沒有太大變化, Kevin開頭先陳述面試目的, 基本上會希望知道我哪些地方
(professional experience & hobby), 且告知是採blind interview, 身上只有

1. Breifly talk about your professional experience (與原PO一樣, 基本上希望

2. Follow up questions - what does your company do? / what is your biggest

3. Career goal - both short term and long term

4. Why MBA? (背後含義也有希望你一並解釋why Olin MBA)

5. How would your team member describe you? (可以解釋成你的leadership style

6. Any Questions?

P.S : Kevin 講話速度蠻快的也是我印象也比較深刻的地方!


Tags: 工管

All Comments

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2014-05-08T09:29
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2014-05-09T17:09
推 Ken 哥的熱騰騰機經,喔是面經!
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2014-05-10T23:57
前年跟Kevin面過 印象中他講話真的很快 問題也差不多這些

MBA人物專訪: Cynthia (Wharton, BCG)

Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2014-05-07T17:41
本文為智夢顧問 Sabina 的 blog 文章:http://sabinahuang.com/ 本文同步刊載於 Womany http://womany.net/read/article/4476 我常說 MBA 多有趣,念完多有收穫;也常說,我因為 MBA 而認識的人,來自多麼不同 的產業,在各個領域有 ...

要申請MBA, 職涯規劃很重要!

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2014-05-07T17:35
本文為智夢顧問 Sabina 的 blog 文章:http://sabinahuang.com/ 本文同步刊載於 Womany http://womany.net/read/article/4437 我在華頓認識一個朋友,一直知道自己有一天要念 MBA,未來要開基金公司,所以大學 主修財務金融,當班代(課外 ...

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Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2014-05-02T10:05
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Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2014-05-02T00:33
Hi 有今年申請上中歐的朋友嗎? 可以站內信認識一下,在前往上海前先交流一下嗎? - ...

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Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2014-04-30T12:29
清大經濟系畢業(GPA3.45),GMAT 710、TOEFL 103的Ms. C,共擁有二年多本土銀行企金 及公司財務經歷,申請九間學校,目前除了一間學校pending、一間學校waitlist,其餘七 間學校皆收到面試邀請,包括Emory、WUSTL、Georgetown、Vanderbilt、Roche ...