一個難忘的經驗(中翻英) - 工作

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2010-04-30T00:00

Table of Contents

題目:An Unforgettable Experience
P.S 不要用翻譯網頁直接翻的!!
先謝謝各位大大 幫我翻譯

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Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2010-05-03T14:48
Topic: An Unforgettable Experience I most unforgettable experience was before childhood, probably was in the country small that section of time is I most unforgetable time was also I happiest happiest section of experiences, because the parents standard width Small company worked nearly at that time very much bustles about, therefore very few accompanied frequently with me with my younger brother in the same place therefore lived nearly in childhood in the Arab League government, although after at that time, the parents will be very busy will operate the tire on the holiday father we the whole family to enjoy the beauties of nature in all directions, but started until country small third grade that one year also not to have the whole family to exit again at that time to enjoy the beauties of nature together, because daddy dwindled away from started mother at that time because must fosterMy root I younger brother, therefore nearly is working makes money to nurture our brothers until now.
Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2010-05-02T13:20
An Unforgettable Experience
My most nuforgettable experience is in my childhood. I had an nuforgettable and happy time when I was in elementary school. In that time, my parents was busy on their company's works, and they spent all their time on it. Due to the fact that I should go to live with my grandfather, I had seldom time to accompany my younger brother. Though my parents was busy, they often took us to go out for a walk on weekend by car. However, the happy time wasn't long. when I was third grade, my father died. So my mother has had to spend most her time making money to raise us form that time to now.
以上是我自己翻的,可能翻的不是很好,你可以參考看看!! =)


Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2010-04-29T00:00
我是在4/9號吃要流產的在4/10排出胚胎,隔天回診時醫生有開止血的要給我,要我連吃3天,當時我想說就是要讓那些東� ...


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2010-04-29T00:00
小弟在準備今年的司法五等錄事考試在民事訴訟法及刑事訴訟法的部份在自己唸的情況下,會常常遇到很多問題自�� ...


Hamiltion avatar
By Hamiltion
at 2010-04-29T00:00
�� ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2010-04-29T00:00
電腦方面目前會系統安裝~電腦組裝~簡單故障排�� ...


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2010-04-29T00:00
各位大大,小弟跟朋友兩人5月份想去墾丁一日遊,但是因為工作關係,當天抵達墾丁的時間大概是晚上11點了,打 ...