中政99中會,請幫忙解答!謝謝 - 會計

By Poppy
at 2012-01-04T00:30
at 2012-01-04T00:30
Table of Contents
※ 引述《rjrspdowx (kate)》之銘言:
: 選擇題2.which of the following best illustrates the accounting
: concept of conservatism?
: A.use of the allowance method to recognize bad debt losses
: from credit sales.
: B.use of the lower of cost or market approach in valuing inventories.
: C.use of the same accounting method from one period to the next in
: computing depreciation expense.
: D.utilization of a policy of deliberate understatement of asset values
: in order to present a conservative net income figure.
: 自己的答案是選擇A,CD沒有保守,而A和B再選覺得A比較正確
: 自買的解題書給的答案是B
(A)提列備抵呆帳的目的是為了讓收入和費用適當配合 => 配合原則
有可能造成收入是去年認列,壞帳費用則到今年才認列 => 收入與費用無法配合
: 選擇題3."when products (goods or services),merchandise,or other assets
: are excharged for cash or claims to cash"is a definition of:
: A.allocated B.realized C.realizable D.earned
: 自己的答案選擇C,直覺判斷選擇和變現有關的答案,不過不懂為什麼錯
: 解題書的答案是B
: 選擇題6.the occurrence which most likely would have no effect on 2007
: net income (assuming that all amounts involved are material)is the:
: A.sale in 2007 of an office building contributed by a stockholder in
: 1983
: B.collection in 2007 of a receivable from a customer whose account was
: written off in 2006 by a charge to the allowance account
: C.settlement based on litigation in 2007 of previously unrecognized
: damages from a serious acident which occurred in 2005
: D.worthlessness determined in 2007 of stock purchased on a speculative
: basis in 2003
: 自選答案是D,判斷點是認為投機性投資和所營事業較無關係
: 解題書的答案是B
(B) 收到以前年度所沖銷的帳款,我們會做的分錄為:
借:應收帳款 XXX 借:現金 XXX
貸:備抵呆帳 XXX 貸:應收帳款 XXX
: 選擇7.the occurrence that most likely would have no effect on 2007 net
: income is the:
: A.sale in 2007 of an office building contributed by a stockholder in 1961
: B.collection in 2007 of a dividend from an investment
: C.correction of an error in the financial statements of a prior period
: discovered subsequent to their issuance
: D.stock purchased in 1993 deemed worthless in 2007
: 自選答案是D,覺得賣出時才能認列投機性價值,不過在IFRS下好像可以用市價法認列
: 解題書答案是C
(C)發現以前年度的錯誤更正時,會 借/貸 前期損益調整(R/E)
=> 借/貸 是看"錯誤"影響的損失還是利益
: 選擇題9.in preparing a statement of cash flows, which of the following
: transactions would be considered an investing activity?
: A.sale of equipment at book value
: B.sale of merchandise on credit
: C.declaration of a cash dividend
: D.issuance of bonds payable at a discount
: 自選答案為D;認為A屬營業活動,B有融資嫌疑,C是聲明現金股息無關
: D是向社會融資;看完答案後CD是融資行為無問題
: ,反到是A和B不知道要歸屬哪一活動,和原因為何
: 解題書答案是A
因為(A)出售/購買設備是放在投資活動下面沒錯 (B)營業活動
: 選擇題12.on the december 31,2007 balance sheet of Yount Co.,the current
: receivables consisted of the following:
: trade accounts receivable 75,000
: allowance for uncollectible accounts (2,000)
: claim against shipper for goods lost in transit(November 2007) 3,000
: selling price of unsold goods by Yount on consignment at
: 130% of cost(not included in Yount's ending inventory 26,000
: security doposit on lease of warehouse used for storing some
: inventories 30,000
: ---------
: total 132,000
: ---------
: ---------
: At December 31,2007, the correct total of Yount's current net receivables
: was:
: A.76,000
: B.102,000
: C.106,000
: D.132,000
: 自己知道應收帳款要扣掉備抵呆帳,之後就不知道該怎麼算了,因為從備抵呆帳
: 以下的科目不太了解意思,即使查過字典還是....
: 解題書寫75,000-2,000+3,000
A/R Allowance
--------------------- ----------------------
75,000 l l 2,000
3,000 l l
1 l
--------------------- ------------------------
78,000 1 1 2,000
1 1
78,000-2,000 =76,000
75,000 => A/R餘額 2,000 => 備呆餘額 這兩個比較沒問題
claim against shipper for goods lost in transit(November 2007) 3,000
關鍵字是claim 有請求權 所以會使應收帳款增加
selling price of unsold goods by Yount on consignment at
130% of cost(not included in Yount's ending inventory 26,000
: security doposit on lease of warehouse used for storing some
: inventories 30,000
※ 引述《rjrspdowx (kate)》之銘言:
: 選擇題2.which of the following best illustrates the accounting
: concept of conservatism?
: A.use of the allowance method to recognize bad debt losses
: from credit sales.
: B.use of the lower of cost or market approach in valuing inventories.
: C.use of the same accounting method from one period to the next in
: computing depreciation expense.
: D.utilization of a policy of deliberate understatement of asset values
: in order to present a conservative net income figure.
: 自己的答案是選擇A,CD沒有保守,而A和B再選覺得A比較正確
: 自買的解題書給的答案是B
(A)提列備抵呆帳的目的是為了讓收入和費用適當配合 => 配合原則
有可能造成收入是去年認列,壞帳費用則到今年才認列 => 收入與費用無法配合
: 選擇題3."when products (goods or services),merchandise,or other assets
: are excharged for cash or claims to cash"is a definition of:
: A.allocated B.realized C.realizable D.earned
: 自己的答案選擇C,直覺判斷選擇和變現有關的答案,不過不懂為什麼錯
: 解題書的答案是B
: 選擇題6.the occurrence which most likely would have no effect on 2007
: net income (assuming that all amounts involved are material)is the:
: A.sale in 2007 of an office building contributed by a stockholder in
: 1983
: B.collection in 2007 of a receivable from a customer whose account was
: written off in 2006 by a charge to the allowance account
: C.settlement based on litigation in 2007 of previously unrecognized
: damages from a serious acident which occurred in 2005
: D.worthlessness determined in 2007 of stock purchased on a speculative
: basis in 2003
: 自選答案是D,判斷點是認為投機性投資和所營事業較無關係
: 解題書的答案是B
(B) 收到以前年度所沖銷的帳款,我們會做的分錄為:
借:應收帳款 XXX 借:現金 XXX
貸:備抵呆帳 XXX 貸:應收帳款 XXX
: 選擇7.the occurrence that most likely would have no effect on 2007 net
: income is the:
: A.sale in 2007 of an office building contributed by a stockholder in 1961
: B.collection in 2007 of a dividend from an investment
: C.correction of an error in the financial statements of a prior period
: discovered subsequent to their issuance
: D.stock purchased in 1993 deemed worthless in 2007
: 自選答案是D,覺得賣出時才能認列投機性價值,不過在IFRS下好像可以用市價法認列
: 解題書答案是C
(C)發現以前年度的錯誤更正時,會 借/貸 前期損益調整(R/E)
=> 借/貸 是看"錯誤"影響的損失還是利益
: 選擇題9.in preparing a statement of cash flows, which of the following
: transactions would be considered an investing activity?
: A.sale of equipment at book value
: B.sale of merchandise on credit
: C.declaration of a cash dividend
: D.issuance of bonds payable at a discount
: 自選答案為D;認為A屬營業活動,B有融資嫌疑,C是聲明現金股息無關
: D是向社會融資;看完答案後CD是融資行為無問題
: ,反到是A和B不知道要歸屬哪一活動,和原因為何
: 解題書答案是A
因為(A)出售/購買設備是放在投資活動下面沒錯 (B)營業活動
: 選擇題12.on the december 31,2007 balance sheet of Yount Co.,the current
: receivables consisted of the following:
: trade accounts receivable 75,000
: allowance for uncollectible accounts (2,000)
: claim against shipper for goods lost in transit(November 2007) 3,000
: selling price of unsold goods by Yount on consignment at
: 130% of cost(not included in Yount's ending inventory 26,000
: security doposit on lease of warehouse used for storing some
: inventories 30,000
: ---------
: total 132,000
: ---------
: ---------
: At December 31,2007, the correct total of Yount's current net receivables
: was:
: A.76,000
: B.102,000
: C.106,000
: D.132,000
: 自己知道應收帳款要扣掉備抵呆帳,之後就不知道該怎麼算了,因為從備抵呆帳
: 以下的科目不太了解意思,即使查過字典還是....
: 解題書寫75,000-2,000+3,000
A/R Allowance
--------------------- ----------------------
75,000 l l 2,000
3,000 l l
1 l
--------------------- ------------------------
78,000 1 1 2,000
1 1
78,000-2,000 =76,000
75,000 => A/R餘額 2,000 => 備呆餘額 這兩個比較沒問題
claim against shipper for goods lost in transit(November 2007) 3,000
關鍵字是claim 有請求權 所以會使應收帳款增加
selling price of unsold goods by Yount on consignment at
130% of cost(not included in Yount's ending inventory 26,000
: security doposit on lease of warehouse used for storing some
: inventories 30,000
All Comments

By Regina
at 2012-01-06T07:41
at 2012-01-06T07:41

By Charlie
at 2012-01-06T19:47
at 2012-01-06T19:47

By David
at 2012-01-11T18:42
at 2012-01-11T18:42

By Suhail Hany
at 2012-01-14T06:47
at 2012-01-14T06:47

By Zanna
at 2012-01-15T17:02
at 2012-01-15T17:02

By Gilbert
at 2012-01-20T13:24
at 2012-01-20T13:24

By Jake
at 2012-01-23T16:30
at 2012-01-23T16:30

By Necoo
at 2012-01-24T11:52
at 2012-01-24T11:52

By Damian
at 2012-01-28T19:11
at 2012-01-28T19:11

By Jake
at 2012-01-28T23:24
at 2012-01-28T23:24

By Tristan Cohan
at 2012-02-02T17:48
at 2012-02-02T17:48

By Mason
at 2012-02-05T01:26
at 2012-02-05T01:26

By Ida
at 2012-02-06T11:13
at 2012-02-06T11:13

By Zanna
at 2012-02-06T18:43
at 2012-02-06T18:43

By Tracy
at 2012-02-06T19:47
at 2012-02-06T19:47

By Freda
at 2012-02-11T15:57
at 2012-02-11T15:57

By Quanna
at 2012-02-14T12:23
at 2012-02-14T12:23

By Oliver
at 2012-02-15T17:32
at 2012-02-15T17:32

By John
at 2012-02-15T22:32
at 2012-02-15T22:32

By Edith
at 2012-02-20T18:06
at 2012-02-20T18:06

By Frederica
at 2012-02-24T07:48
at 2012-02-24T07:48

By Irma
at 2012-02-25T16:18
at 2012-02-25T16:18
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