中英文自傳求批!! 應徵航太業 感謝 - 職場

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2013-07-01T22:34

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※ 引述《sunboy0521 (大大大蔡)》之銘言:
: 長官您好,本人XXX,畢業於XXX,多益成績705分,今年24歲
: 從小住在機場旁邊,每天看著飛機起起落落,夢想有天能為航空公司的一員,為航空公司
: 效力。
: 在學期間主修ic設計,雖非傳統力學、機械學,但對機械、馬達等,有一定的相關知識。
: 此外平常機車簡單的保養維修,皆不假他人之手,相信XX有相關的知識與實作。而就讀
: 碩班時,有與日本人、法國人、印度人、等外國人共事的經驗,在如此需要與國際接軌的
: 航太領域裡,此經驗能讓我快速熟悉貴領域,加上XX對自己學習能力把握,相信能在最
: 短的時間進入狀況,並升任此份要職。
: 大學期間參與三屆啦啦隊比賽與熱舞社,學習到團隊的力量與溝通協調的能力。而擔任社
: 團總務,讓我了解到社團營運不只是熱忱,還需要實際經營策略,例如:找贊助廠商、吸
: 引新生、接洽表演活動等開源的方法。
: 大學期間假日在洋菸酒賣場打工約五年時間,雖為兼職銷售工作,但了解了許多酒類知識
: ,並對促銷活動的企劃與行銷、與廠商、客人的應對進退皆有些許經驗。
: 不管是在社團營運、團體比賽、兼職銷售方面,皆顯示XX是位積極、抗壓性高、具有溝
: 通協調能力,故相信能勝任此份要職。
: 希望能與有貴公司進一步面談的機會 謝謝
: Dear Sir/Madam,
: I am writing this letter to introduce myself and inquire about the openings
: of maintenance engineer. I have been passionate about being a problem solver
: and I’m also good at communicating with others in engineering. I believe I’
: m capable of taking this job.
: As a graduate student of NCHU in Electrical Engineering, I excelled in all my
: classes; this led to an opportunity to be an engineer. Although I did not
: major in Mechanical Engineering, I am confident that I have enough knowledge
: about Mechanical Engineering. And when I was studying for my master's degree
: , I cooperated with many foreign people , like: japanese、French and Indian .
: So I am confident to cowork with foreign engineers.
: I have been cultivated with strong communication skill and leadership skill
: from the experiences of leading cheerleader competition and taking part in
: dance club’s works in college. And I also learned how to cooperate with
: others. For example。While seeking sponsors, we have to manage to make people
: have consensus of reaching the same goal. So I am confident to be a bridge
: between technician and foreign engineers.
: I am also a bright, energetic and hard working person. I am sure that it
: would be worthwhile for us to meet. I am looking forward to talk to you about
: this employment.
: Sincerely Yours,

What makes a good maintenance engineer? What are the relevances betweeen
you and the ideal engineer? Personally I don't think you're a good fit for
this position. They can't afford to hire people who has little experiences in
this professional field. They won't put that much effots in equipping you
with the needed skill to their business because you don't even own a pro
certificate in order to demonstrate your passion.

You may be a good fit for positions related to sales or marketing based on
past experiences. Writing autobiography is no easy job. Try to express
your struggles and your role in the activities, how you solve problems and
what you learn during that period. Whatever jobs your're hunting for, remember
to distinquish yourself from others.

good luck

Tags: 職場

All Comments

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2013-07-05T04:03
感謝d大 謝謝
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2013-07-05T13:18
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2013-07-09T08:04
他住在機場旁邊啊 經驗不錯啊 我住在總統府旁現在也當…
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2013-07-10T22:39
score!!!get straight to the point!!!

服貿協議 馬英九:增加就業

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2013-07-01T21:34
關於服貿協議 連之前馬英九的愛將劉憶如都出來批了 簽服貿協議 劉憶如:對台產業、就業 傷害太大 http://www.wetalk.tw/thread-3945-1-1.html 是說,要不當官腦袋才會稍微恢復正常嗎? 楊志良也是,劉憶如也一樣 -- ===== Miula Business Rev ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2013-07-01T19:42
第一次在這發文,小弟在這間公司今年8月滿3年了,擔任國貿業務 這間公司主要算是買進賣出,向廠商進貨,做自己品牌的包裝 一般公司的國貿部門可以細分為出貨部門或者船務部門和國外業務部門 不過我們這個小企業什麼都要自己來,從客戶端接到下單,安排給生產部製作, 出貨前點貨,自己裝貨打棧板,自己裝貨櫃,不過通常有倉庫人 ...

在家工作 隨身碟還是隨身硬碟?

Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2013-07-01T17:07
因為工作性質的關係, 我經常會在晚上或是假日要在家裡臨時開會, 但公司沒有配筆電,我自己也不是很喜歡用筆電, 開會有時候會用到一些企劃要修改啥的, 每次都要修改以後用隨身碟還是信箱弄到公司去貼上其實還蠻麻煩的, 所以我就在想說,是不是現在在RUN的幾個企劃, 我就放在隨身碟或隨身硬碟裡面,每天帶著走這樣。 ( ...

台灣大學經濟系主任鄭秀玲︰服貿協議重傷經濟 應立即中

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2013-07-01T17:00
從文章看來,鄭教授是支持服貿協議的, 但他認為要重談。 政府在 談判前沒評估, 實施前沒規劃, 實施後沒措施。 方向對了, 做法錯了也是白搭。 - ...


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2013-07-01T13:28
各位哥哥姊姊們好,小妹是今年剛畢業的新鮮人 科系是設計相關的,所以打算作美編相關職務 今年六月份面試了許多家公司, 最後決定在一間雖然規模很小,成立時間較短,但發展性很大的公司工作 但工作到現在快一個月下來,我漸漸發現到這家公司幾個疑點: 1.公司所有員工流動率都非常大,包括我這個美編職務, 我一進來,沒有 ...