兩題關於DTL與DTA的問題 - 會計

By Donna
at 2012-07-13T04:53
at 2012-07-13T04:53
Table of Contents
※ 引述《skyslee (現實的翅膀)》之銘言:
: 1. In its first year of operations, a firm produces taxable income of
: -$10,000. The prevailing tax rate is 40%. The firm's balance sheet
: will report a deferred tax:
: A. asset of $4,000.
: B. asset of $10,000.
: C. liability of $4,000
: 答案是A,不了解的是怎麼判定是DTA的
NOL Carryback/Carrryforward
用該年的 (NOL)X(Effective Tax Rate) 所得的數字
來 "offset" 未來的 Tax Payable 或是 "refund" 之前已繳的
這 4,000 可以減少未來的稅或是退還過去已繳的稅
是為可預見的未來利益 (Probable Future Benefit)
所以為 Asset
故 Debit DTA 4,000
: 2. An analyst is comparing a firm to its competitor. The firm has deferred
: tax liability that results from accelerated depreciation for tax purposes.
: The firm is expected to continue to grow in the foreseeable future.
: How should the liability be treated for analysis purposes?
: A. It should be treated as equity at its full value.
: B. It should be treated as a liability at its full value.
: C. The present value should be treated as a liability with the remainder
: being treated as equity.
: 答案是A,可知道他會一直有DTL產生(因為持續成長),
: 然而為什麼要因此視為equity且用full value呢?
1.持續增長造成 DTL 持續增長,不會有 DTL 反轉的問題
2.該公司在稅報上面使用 accelerated 在財報上面用 straight line
3.請假設競爭對手財/稅都使用 staright line
比較 accelerated depreciation/straight line depreciation
稅= accelerated 財= straight line
該公司會產生 DTL
因為 book income > tax income
或是 book expense < tax expense
所以要不是把競爭對手改成 accelerated
或是該公司自己改成 straight line
要注意到競爭對手因為用 straight line 的關係
造成競爭對手過去的 book income 會比該公司的 book income 要高
Competitors' book income > A firm's book income
每年最後的book income 都會變成 Retained Earnings
而每年的 Retained Earnings 都會變成 Stockholder Equity 的一部分
因此 A=L+SE 才會永遠成立
競爭對手的 SE 會大於該公司的 SE
Competitotrs' SE > A firm's SE
在消滅該公司的 DTL 的時候要增加 SE
因為 SE 被 understate
至於 full amount 的話
*先假設 competitors' book useful life = IRC (tax) useful life
因為 DTL 的數量會等於 accelerated 跟 straight line 的差別
所以這差別也會是 SE (Reatined Earnings) 跟 DTL 的差別
也會是該公司跟競爭對手的 SE (Reatined Earnings) 差別
所以你要把所有的 DTL 消滅
也就必須把所有的 DTL 加到 SE (Reatined Earnings) 裡
A=L+SE 也才會永遠成立
故為 full amount
: 1. In its first year of operations, a firm produces taxable income of
: -$10,000. The prevailing tax rate is 40%. The firm's balance sheet
: will report a deferred tax:
: A. asset of $4,000.
: B. asset of $10,000.
: C. liability of $4,000
: 答案是A,不了解的是怎麼判定是DTA的
NOL Carryback/Carrryforward
用該年的 (NOL)X(Effective Tax Rate) 所得的數字
來 "offset" 未來的 Tax Payable 或是 "refund" 之前已繳的
這 4,000 可以減少未來的稅或是退還過去已繳的稅
是為可預見的未來利益 (Probable Future Benefit)
所以為 Asset
故 Debit DTA 4,000
: 2. An analyst is comparing a firm to its competitor. The firm has deferred
: tax liability that results from accelerated depreciation for tax purposes.
: The firm is expected to continue to grow in the foreseeable future.
: How should the liability be treated for analysis purposes?
: A. It should be treated as equity at its full value.
: B. It should be treated as a liability at its full value.
: C. The present value should be treated as a liability with the remainder
: being treated as equity.
: 答案是A,可知道他會一直有DTL產生(因為持續成長),
: 然而為什麼要因此視為equity且用full value呢?
1.持續增長造成 DTL 持續增長,不會有 DTL 反轉的問題
2.該公司在稅報上面使用 accelerated 在財報上面用 straight line
3.請假設競爭對手財/稅都使用 staright line
比較 accelerated depreciation/straight line depreciation
稅= accelerated 財= straight line
該公司會產生 DTL
因為 book income > tax income
或是 book expense < tax expense
所以要不是把競爭對手改成 accelerated
或是該公司自己改成 straight line
要注意到競爭對手因為用 straight line 的關係
造成競爭對手過去的 book income 會比該公司的 book income 要高
Competitors' book income > A firm's book income
每年最後的book income 都會變成 Retained Earnings
而每年的 Retained Earnings 都會變成 Stockholder Equity 的一部分
因此 A=L+SE 才會永遠成立
競爭對手的 SE 會大於該公司的 SE
Competitotrs' SE > A firm's SE
在消滅該公司的 DTL 的時候要增加 SE
因為 SE 被 understate
至於 full amount 的話
*先假設 competitors' book useful life = IRC (tax) useful life
因為 DTL 的數量會等於 accelerated 跟 straight line 的差別
所以這差別也會是 SE (Reatined Earnings) 跟 DTL 的差別
也會是該公司跟競爭對手的 SE (Reatined Earnings) 差別
所以你要把所有的 DTL 消滅
也就必須把所有的 DTL 加到 SE (Reatined Earnings) 裡
A=L+SE 也才會永遠成立
故為 full amount
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