八年教學經驗英語教師求教學工作 - 求職

By Hardy
at 2010-03-20T01:00
at 2010-03-20T01:00
Table of Contents
一﹑年齡/性別(必填):26歲 女
二﹑地點(必填): 台北縣中永和 板橋土城 北市文山區 基隆辛亥附近皆可
三﹑學經歷: 外國語文學系 主修英文畢業 遊學加拿大與澳洲
八年資深兒童與幼兒美語 國中英語成人英會教師
口說與發音矯正英文家教 與文法教學
四﹑求職工作(必填): 國中英語 成人英會 兒童美語 幼兒美語 家教 兼職
五﹑可工作日期(必填): 即時 並面談可配合之時間
七﹑聯絡方式(必填,請盡量先以信箱聯絡):[email protected]
Hey there, this is Kate. I'm an English teacher who has been teaching in the
kindergartens and cram schools over 8 years. I have great teaching skills
toward students and awesome communicating skills toward parents. the past
year I had worked and travelled to Canada and Australia. Also I have great
conversational English ability as well, I'm proud to say my English
pronounciation is a lot better than other teachers in Taiwan who have been
abroad and studied there as I learned it all by myself! So,I'm sure I'm the
one you are looking for!
Yours truly
二﹑地點(必填): 台北縣中永和 板橋土城 北市文山區 基隆辛亥附近皆可
三﹑學經歷: 外國語文學系 主修英文畢業 遊學加拿大與澳洲
八年資深兒童與幼兒美語 國中英語成人英會教師
口說與發音矯正英文家教 與文法教學
四﹑求職工作(必填): 國中英語 成人英會 兒童美語 幼兒美語 家教 兼職
五﹑可工作日期(必填): 即時 並面談可配合之時間
七﹑聯絡方式(必填,請盡量先以信箱聯絡):[email protected]
Hey there, this is Kate. I'm an English teacher who has been teaching in the
kindergartens and cram schools over 8 years. I have great teaching skills
toward students and awesome communicating skills toward parents. the past
year I had worked and travelled to Canada and Australia. Also I have great
conversational English ability as well, I'm proud to say my English
pronounciation is a lot better than other teachers in Taiwan who have been
abroad and studied there as I learned it all by myself! So,I'm sure I'm the
one you are looking for!
Yours truly
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