台北/business, advertisement,teaching - 求職

By Skylar Davis
at 2010-03-03T23:57
at 2010-03-03T23:57
Table of Contents
二﹑地點(必填):a) Danshuei b) Taipei
三﹑學經歷:studied management, sociology, law
business [export (preferable to Europe)], advertisement, teaching
五﹑可工作日期(必填):all is possible
六﹑希望待遇(必填):NTD 40000
七﹑聯絡方式(必填,請盡量先以信箱聯絡):[email protected]
八﹑求職有效期限(必填):March 31, 2010
My friend,Petr, who is a PHD student in the department of law in NTU.
He is looking for a job. He is Czech and he knows a lot about Czech
(language, literature, film, history...).
Besides, he is able to teach you English or work with you in meaning
management which means all kinds of (European) visual culture -
advertisement, architecture (design), art.
Petr is a nice person.
Please feel free to contact with him (in English) :)
二﹑地點(必填):a) Danshuei b) Taipei
三﹑學經歷:studied management, sociology, law
business [export (preferable to Europe)], advertisement, teaching
五﹑可工作日期(必填):all is possible
六﹑希望待遇(必填):NTD 40000
七﹑聯絡方式(必填,請盡量先以信箱聯絡):[email protected]
八﹑求職有效期限(必填):March 31, 2010
My friend,Petr, who is a PHD student in the department of law in NTU.
He is looking for a job. He is Czech and he knows a lot about Czech
(language, literature, film, history...).
Besides, he is able to teach you English or work with you in meaning
management which means all kinds of (European) visual culture -
advertisement, architecture (design), art.
Petr is a nice person.
Please feel free to contact with him (in English) :)
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