台北市/男/兼職/英文教學 美國律師 - 求職

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2021-04-11T10:49

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4.希望待遇:一小時 $850


6.學歷:Yale University (U.S.) and University of California, Berkeley (U.S.).
Dual majors in political science and business administration.
Also graduated from Loyola Law School. With a Juris Doctor degree.

信箱:[email protected]

I run a firm based in the US that tutors foreign students from Taiwan,
China, Japan, and Korea in English and foreign workers to succeed there.

I am an American born Taiwanese individual who was raised and taught in
the US at excellent schools for 19 years. I became an experienced lawyer,
and I owned my own firm, and we worked with companies like Google, Facebook,
and Amazon. We also had a tutoring and academic division that advised and
tutored foreign students and workers. The firm and I teach about 10 students
and workers in Taiwan and the United States.

We teach through worksheets, sample questions, written materials, and
materials brought by the student(s) for the lesson.

The tuition fee guarantees good results if you are testing or
communicating with native English workers or customers. It’s worth it.

Tags: 求職

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Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2021-04-11T00:02
一﹑年齡/性別 (選填):31男 二﹑地點(必填):高雄, 台南可考慮 三﹑學經歷:元智大學畢 四﹑求職工作(必填):(標題亦須註明and#34;工作內容(可填不拘)and#34;及and#34;性質(正/兼職/工讀)and#34;) 求短期打工佳 日檢N1 有日本打工度假1年經驗 英文自評多益700 ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2021-04-08T14:04
一﹑年齡/性別:27/女 二﹑地點:雙北/新竹 三﹑學經歷:致理科技大學行銷與流通管理系 畢業 四﹑求職工作:兼職/工讀皆可 聽打/逐字稿/校稿/keyin/配音/搜尋資料 五﹑可工作日期:隨時 六﹑希望待遇:計件價可談 或是時薪$160以上 七﹑聯絡方式:站內信/lisa31626atgmail ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2021-04-01T02:14
一﹑年齡/性別 :24/男 二﹑地點:雙北 三﹑學經歷: 德明財經科科技大學企管系畢業 四年自營國內外品牌服飾選貨店店主(電商、網路經營) 兩年電子製造業採購專員經驗,負責歐州、國內原料採購及進出口關務處理等。 四﹑求職工作:國內外採購專員(buyer), 國內外業務/業助、生管助理、行政專員等 五 ...

正職/女/24/台北 後端工程師

Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2021-03-27T15:16
一﹑年齡/性別 (選填):24 二﹑地點(必填):台北/新北 三﹑學經歷:屏東科技大學 外語系 人資專員 1年 日本 打工度假 6個月 後有進修課程,使用語言及框架:c#,html,css,bootstrap, .net core, sql,vue 有專案協作經驗 四﹑求職工作(必填):.net後端工程 ...

瓏匯** 別浪費人生

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2021-03-26T19:40
老闆講話前後矛盾 只會一昧的歌頌自己多麼厲害 一直說大話 連基本的加班單跟補休單都沒有 還會說很替員工著想 只想著怎麼替他賣命吧 會每天晚上私下密你一直找你講話 沒有再分假日平日 完全讓你沒有私人生活 一直用你要不要更好這種話來要你付出 讓你的工作無限增加 讓你把時間都奉獻在工作中 卻根本沒有要給你對等的好 ...