大大們,協助幫忙翻譯成英文 - 工作

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2007-05-11T00:00

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Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2007-05-13T20:34
Dealt with ability and stepped foot on the company with mapping software and document originally, it begins to be muddleheaded to electron optics, and to factory and customer outside the factory to can is it work to carry out independently already.Through the whole journey, a one's own one resist person who press and willpower grow up a lot of, see one's own ability to work receives the executive's favor, make one's own work from an engineer one to one, increase to a pair of three engineers, help them, can obtain newer information more rapidly even more with the favourable engineer, get the engineer's approval and praise, ability that is believe even more oneselfed.Dealt with and should analyse to the skill, floor achievement that get in touch with manufacturer's business various kinds of complaint of the customer's while working in the department store before this, in the meantime, besides studying in the face of the customer, study to and manage special counter personnel too, in the face of the customer and administrative staff, has been very difficult skill dealt with all the time, but, after serving customers, received customer's happy response, and received special counter personnel's respect, all these to work hard in advance, method received, let one's own interpersonal relationships last one step too.
Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2007-05-11T17:50
1.協助工程師處理事務==>Help the engineer to deal with the affairs
2.業績分析,人員管理,廠商聯絡==>Achievement analysis, personal management, the manufacturer gets in touch with
3.與生涯規劃不符==>Plan to be accorded with with the career
4.公司制度不符合自己目標==>Company's system does not accord with one's own goal
5.工作內容為提供相關資訊給廠商及協助廠商與廠內問題==>The working content to the manufacturer and help the question in the manufacturer and factory in order to offer relevant information
6.與客戶討論產品導入計劃==>Discuss the products with customer to channel into the plan


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2007-05-10T00:00
四月底各大學放榜我上ㄌ長榮大學ㄉ健康科學系但我對長榮還是ㄅ怎了解哪位學長姐可以為我更詳細ㄉ介紹還有在 ...


Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2007-05-10T00:00
我是師大的應屆畢業生當初應家人要求唸了師大但越唸越發覺自己對教職很反感每當寫教案的時候總讓我覺得痛苦 ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2007-05-10T00:00
尷尬的時候就會臉紅,身邊沒認識的人就會臉紅,一個人在 ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2007-05-10T00:00
我目前在一家團膳公司當營養師,最近要到養護所當兼職營養師,但是擔心在兩個地方工作會有違法,所以想請問 ...


Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2007-05-10T00:00
請問大大~~1~~今年報稅免稅額7萬7~薪資免稅額7萬8~標準扣除額4萬6所以共20萬1千嗎??2~~因為沒有房貸....等~但有保險~ ...