學校寄了一個關於信用卡錯誤的信 - 工管

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2011-03-02T15:21

Table of Contents




I am writing to you as the third party vendor (Hobsons) that maintains and
hosts the online application for the University of Illinois, Chicago -
Liautaud Graduate School of Business. At the request of the University of
Illinois, Chicago - Liautaud Graduate School of Business, I need to inform
you that for the time between 01/26/2011 and 02/16/2011, there were some
complications involving your application fee credit card payment.

You may notice that your credit card statement reflects a payment to the
University of New Haven, which is obviously not correct. If you submitted
your application to the University of Illinois, Chicago - Liautaud Graduate
School of Business, your application fee will be properly received by the
University of Illinois, Chicago - Liautaud Graduate School of Business.

Your application record to the University of Illinois, Chicago - Liautaud
Graduate School of Business will remain intact and will reflect a successful
credit card transaction, however, your credit card statement/account will not
be modified as a result of this change.





Tags: 工管

All Comments

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2011-03-03T17:32


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2011-03-02T13:35
請問MBA在學 or 畢業的校友們 如果在下我是個很需要(長)睡眠時間的人 不然完全精神不濟 該怎麼安排 MBA 忙碌生活呢? - ...


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2011-03-02T13:34
其實這是半年前的問題, 目前無解, 所以提出來看是否有人能解答 選校時我同時有問過台灣校友跟美國校友 (台灣校友 = 研究所才出國念) (美國校友 = 大學(或以下)在美國讀書, 或是美國人) 兩方意見最大的不同是 台灣校友會看著你的資料說 and#34;不可能, 不可能, 不可能and#34; 美國校友會 ...

UIUC interview

Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2011-03-02T09:10
我昨日晚上收到邀請信 我是申請R2的 在一月底前submit 感覺這家不知是R1人數已滿還是... 非常不積極就是 - ...

College of William and Mary

James avatar
By James
at 2011-03-02T01:07
錄取學校:College of William and Mary GMAT :570 -andgt; 710 TOEFL :86 -andgt; 98 GPA :3.26 獎學金 :With scholarship. 工作經驗:4 years in total - 15 month ...

Interview invitation from JHU

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2011-03-01T23:17
剛剛收到Carey寄來的面試邀請 可以選擇透過電話或是到學校去 時間是從明天開始一直到下個星期五 自己挑兩個可以的時段跟學校喬 很衝動的就挑了明天晚上十一點(台灣時間) 說實話Phone Interview看不到臉反而有點不安... 有沒有也收到邀請的大大可以來交流一下呢? (是說上次UIUC inter ...