審計選擇題 - 會計

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2011-12-18T23:06

Table of Contents

1.the securities and exchange comission has authority to:

determine accountiong principles for the purpose of financial reporting

by companies offering securities to the public.

2.the king surety company wrote a general fidelity bond covering

thefts of assets by the empliyees of Wilson, Inc . thereafter ,Cooney

an employee of Wilson, embezzled $17,200 of company funds. When the

activities weree discovered,King paid Wilson the full amount in

accordance with the terms of the fideluty bond , and then sought

recovery against Wilson's auditors Lynch&Merritt,CPAs. Which of

the following would be Lynch&Merritt's best defense?

A:King is not in privity of contract

3.In connection with a public offering of first mortgage bonds by

Henson Corp., the bond inderwriter gas asked Henson's CPA to furnish him with

a comfort letter giving as much assurance as possible relative to

Hencon's unaudited financial statements for the three months ended


The CPA had expressed an unqualified opinion on Henson's financial

statements for the year ended December 31 ,2006 and e has perfirmed

a limited review of henson's financial statements for the three months

ended March31 , 2007. Nothing has come to his attention that would

indicate that the March31,2007 statements are not properly presented.

Under these circumstances, the CPA's response to the underwriter's request

should be to :

A: inform the inderwriters that no comfort letter is possible without an

audit of the financial statements for the three months ended March31,2007.

4.it is not a violation of the AICPA's Code of ptrfessional Cinduct for

a CPA to: charge fees as an expert witness determined by the amount

awarded to he plaintiff, even though the CPA also performs a compilation

for client use.

5.Three of the paragraphs of the audit report modified ofr uncertainties

are the same as the standard unqualified report. The explannatory

paragraph that describes the incertainty is added as the:

A:fourth and last paragraph.

6.Which of the following statements is true?

A: The auditor has the option, but is not required, to issue a disclaimer

of opinion for a material uncertainty or for a going concern problem

7.The most common case in which conditions beyond the client's and auditor's

control cause a scope restriction is an engagement:

A:agreed upon after the client's balance sheet date..


Tags: 會計

All Comments

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2011-12-22T09:25
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2011-12-24T18:09
恩 是的 謝謝


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2011-12-18T22:15
請問有人知道鄭爺爺中會,有要改新版的嗎 看書局 高會 初會 都有出新版 就是中會沒,有人知道改版消息嗎 謝謝 - ...

【徵求】林蕙真老師 高等會計理論 第六版上下冊

Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2011-12-18T21:43
欲購買林蕙真老師 高等會計理論 第六版 上下冊 新舊不拘,不要太多劃記即可。 意者請寄站內信,謝謝。 - ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2011-12-18T19:09
※ 引述《Almostcrazy (魍魎之匣)》之銘言: : 發行之公司債若於一年內到期 在資產負債表應如何處理 : A. 列做流動負債 : B. 列做長期負債 : C. 列做股東權益減項 : D. 是實際情況決定歸屬 : 想請問為甚麼不是A 都已經說了一年內到期了 : 答案是D 在IFRS的觀念中,財務狀 ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2011-12-18T18:53
http://ppt.cc/FzbY 版本為100年新版 授權部分只有第一章跟第二章授權過一次,其他章節皆未授權。 當時購買時有打了一些折扣,有需要的人可以站內信議價。 - ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2011-12-18T00:30
※ 引述《tw00176060 (Andy)》之銘言: : 1. 某市發行債券$40,000,期限五年,積聚償債基金以備到期一次償還,在發行存續的每 : 一年度終了時,收自普通基金五次相同的分擔額,而每次的分擔額,除最後一次外,從撥 : 入日起至債券到期日止獲有年利6%的收益,從一元年金終值表中查知終值因子為 ...