履歷寫作的五大黃金法則 - 求職

James avatar
By James
at 2014-11-08T00:45

Table of Contents

With today’s increasing job mobility and worldwide searches for the “
perfect candidate”, multinational companies are often swamped with hundreds
and even thousands of resumes for each job opening they have. In order to
catch the attention of the recruiter, applicants must be able to present
themselves using a format preferred by the company. This is often difficult,
because styles differ between U.S.-based, Europe-based, and Asia-based
companies. However, there are basic “Golden Rules” to ensure that your
resume makes it to the top of the pack.

1. Make your resume easy to read: Resumes should be simple, not complex.
Providing strong accomplishments in bulleted format will give the recruiter
the basic gist. Furthermore, make sure that the formatting itself is easy on
the eyes. A nice, legible font and plenty of white space will help out

2. Brand and promote yourself : Responsibilities do not tell the recruiter
much about your successes at the company. If you say that you “managed a
budget”, was it $1,000, $10,000, or $1,000,000? Also, was your budget
management successful? Relative measures and the scope of your project can
tell us a lot more than vague statements. Remember to “brand” yourself:
What is your career path? Are you a “Marketing Executive” or a “Restaurant
Service Professional”? These bold statements will give you the credibility
you deserve.

3. Be transparent and match keywords when possible: Make it easy to
understand your previous experience. A sentence or two is all the recruiter
needs to understand whether you are a good fit, usually by targeting your
resume to include the keywords listed in the job description.

4. Describe any additional skills you have: Computer, professional, and
language skills are always critical. Make sure to highlight any extra skills
you can bring to the table, particularly those that are job-related.

5. Use strong, active actions instead of weak, passive ones: Companies want
people that will rise to become their superstars and leaders. If accurate,
instead of “working on” and “supporting”, use words such as “led”, “
created”, and “improved”.

Following these steps will go a long way to improving your resume/CV for a
global-ready application. For examples of how these Golden Rules can be
implemented, please check out our website at thecareerguys.tw in the “Samples
” section. Good luck and happy hunting!

Tags: 求職

All Comments

Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2014-11-12T04:49
為什麼重複PO文 版主還閉著眼又給M??


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2014-11-06T11:44
一﹑年齡/性別(必填):24/男 二﹑地點(必填):雲林土庫/虎尾/元長/斗南...附近皆可 三﹑學經歷:輔仁大學金企系畢業 四﹑求職工作(必填):兼職/短期/工讀 五﹑可工作日期(必填):隨時 六﹑希望待遇(必填):115/hour 七﹑聯絡方式(必填,請盡量先以信箱聯絡):站內信 八﹑求職有 ...


John avatar
By John
at 2014-11-06T02:29
最近再找工作 剛剛看到徵美容行業在徵行政櫃台 一般其他條件都是要求要甚麼技能之類的 無手汗、體味、關節等方面的問題 無抽菸、酗酒、熬夜等不良生活習慣 第一次看到這麼要求and#34;健康and#34;的條件 話說前幾天去一家旅行社面試 約三點去的時候已經好幾個在寫履歷(亂槍打鳥型?) 寫好 ...


Anthony avatar
By Anthony
at 2014-11-05T17:48
一﹑年齡/性別(必填):24歲/女 二﹑地點(必填):宜蘭市為主 三﹑學經歷:國立成功大學法律學系畢 2011年宜蘭地方法院暑期工讀生。  ‧研考科:文書處理、歸檔  ‧刑事科:處理已結案卷宗及相關事宜 2012年成大法律與企管課程教學網站助理。  ‧網址:http://nckulbaproject.w ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2014-11-05T03:56
一﹑年齡/性別(必填):24/女 二﹑地點(必填):新北,台北 三﹑學經歷:大學 四﹑求職工作(必填):活動兼職,節目工讀,假日兼職工讀 五﹑可工作日期(必填):皆可 六﹑希望待遇(必填):依公司規定 七﹑聯絡方式(必填,請盡量先以信箱聯絡):acmyyomi atgmail.com 八﹑求職有 ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2014-11-04T10:44
一﹑年齡/性別(必填):28歲/女 二﹑地點(必填):台中市全區.太平區.大里區 三﹑學經歷:台中科大會統科畢.朝陽科大財金系肄 1.社會團體:秘書(100.8-103.2)因理監事改選而卸任 工作內容-負責會務運作.行程安排.會議.活動籌組及一般行政 ...