履歷寫作的五大黃金法則 - 職涯

Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2014-11-08T01:14

Table of Contents

With today’s increasing job mobility and worldwide searches for the “
perfect candidate”, multinational companies are often swamped with hundreds
and even thousands of resumes for each job opening they have. In order to
catch the attention of the recruiter, applicants must be able to present
themselves using a format preferred by the company. This is often difficult,
because styles differ between U.S.-based, Europe-based, and Asia-based
companies. However, there are basic “Golden Rules” to ensure that your
resume makes it to the top of the pack.

1.Make your resume easy to read: Resumes should be simple, not complex.
Providing strong accomplishments in bulleted format will give the recruiter
the basic gist. Furthermore, make sure that the formatting itself is easy on
the eyes. A nice, legible font and plenty of white space will help out

2.Brand and promote yourself : Responsibilities do not tell the recruiter
much about your successes at the company. If you say that you “managed a
budget”, was it $1,000, $10,000, or $1,000,000? Also, was your budget
management successful? Relative measures and the scope of your project can
tell us a lot more than vague statements. Remember to “brand” yourself:
What is your career path? Are you a “Marketing Executive” or a “Restaurant
Service Professional”? These bold statements will give you the credibility
you deserve.

3.Be transparent and match keywords when possible: Make it easy to
understand your previous experience. A sentence or two is all the recruiter
needs to understand whether you are a good fit, usually by targeting your
resume to include the keywords listed in the job description.

4.Describe any additional skills you have: Computer, professional, and
language skills are always critical. Make sure to highlight any extra skills
you can bring to the table, particularly those that are job-related.

5.Use strong, active actions instead of weak, passive ones: Companies want
people that will rise to become their superstars and leaders. If accurate,
instead of “working on” and “supporting”, use words such as “led”, “
created”, and “improved”.

Following these steps will go a long way to improving your resume/CV for a
global-ready application. For examples of how these Golden Rules can be
implemented, please check out our website at thecareerguys.tw in the “Samples
” section. Good luck and happy hunting!


Tags: 職涯

All Comments

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2014-11-09T11:18
看不看得懂是一回事 不過在中文BBS裡
突然貼一整篇英文上來 看起來很突兀..
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2014-11-09T13:06
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2014-11-12T00:01
Delia avatar
By Delia
at 2014-11-16T20:45
看不懂英文 有翻譯版嗎
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2014-11-19T05:43
Good article


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2014-11-07T16:27
強者我以前替代役同梯親戚 因為愛玩 所以被二一總共3次外加重考3年 最後才當完兵退伍 最近當完剛好快滿30 這樣的人企業有人會要嗎? 聽我同梯說對方家境不錯是作生意的 然後本身也不太愛唸書 是被對方父母一路逼著唸的 這樣的人一定是loser嗎? 我會想問只是覺得這種人讓我不可思議... - ...

公辦。免費 時間管理與生涯檢視講座

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2014-11-06T23:49
在職場、學校、或家庭繁忙的壓力之下,您是否常感覺到「忙、茫、盲」? 你是否常感覺到時間不夠用?是否覺得自己的生活失去平衡? 你努力的工作,投入大量的時間,結果卻與你真正想要的生活越來越遠? 你的人生是否有朝著自己的夢想、願景前進?   臺北青年職涯發展中心,邀請您11月15日下午參加講座,全面性地檢視自己的 ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2014-11-04T20:31
可能是版上的版友大多正屬於人生衝刺的階段 所以對於生涯方面的規劃大多是職業和進修方面的討論 或許大家是想說現在都沒有辦法掌握好的話 又如何能討論到將來更遙遠的事情 只要年輕存夠錢,老年生活就不必擔心了 所以我發現版上對於老年階段的討論和安排其實真的不多 可是老年的生活我,我想在我們這一代或更年輕的 ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2014-11-04T09:59
103年度陽明大學創新創業課程開始招生 一、課程簡介 為培育具有企業家精神之人才,並連結產學合作能量與形塑校園創業風氣, ,本校研發處產學營運中心獲教育部「103年度創新創業課程開設與發展計畫」補助, 開辦創新創業系列課程。本系列課程分為核心、進階與實作三大主軸, 從核心課程中的市場、法規與創新 ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2014-11-03T21:42
※ [本文轉錄自 Finance 看板 #1KLuOARO ] 作者: FMStudio (職來職往) 看板: Finance 標題: [情報] 外商銀行2015徵才實習計畫(增德意志銀行 時間: Mon Nov 3 21:41:24 2014 以下皆為亞太區招募計畫,不限於台灣招募。 依申請截止日排 ...