幾句公司治理有關的句子不知如何翻譯... - 金融分析師

Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2008-06-08T14:02

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※ 引述《taurus1982 (屎蛋懂得森呼吸嗎)》之銘言:
: 如題 有四句不太清楚意思 或是不知如何翻成中文...
: 是否有好心的版友可以指點我一下 感恩~ :)


: 1. Owner-oriented directors with business savvy and independence

=>>後面的business savvy就是對實務瞭解。

: 2. any nominee for director in an uncontested election who receives a
: 董 事 的 被 提 名 人 不具競爭性的
: greater number of votes “withheld” from his or her election than votes
: “for” such election shall, promptly following certification of the
: shareholder vote, offer his or her resignation to the Board.


: 3.they all have a direct financial interest in the businesses they manage
: - some are the founders of the businesses who have chosen to remain as
: managers after they sold their companies to Berkshire Hathaway.

(financial interest一時我也不知中文怎翻)
有些是該公司的創辦人在賣公司給Berkshire Hathaway後選擇繼續擔任管理人。

: 4. Stock options for management is not a solution: Buffett believes using
: executives stock options as a way to align management and shareholder
: interests was oversold and hide a deeper division between those interests
: that the options created.


CEO Overconfidence and Corporate Investment
Malmendier & Tate, Journal of Finance 2005 vol.60 pp 2661-2700


All Comments

Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2008-06-11T19:30
owner-oriented 是指處處以owner的利益為出發點/找想


Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2008-06-08T11:36
如題 有四句不太清楚意思 或是不知如何翻成中文... 是否有好心的版友可以指點我一下 感恩~ :) 1. Owner-oriented directors with business savvy and independence 2. any nominee for director in a ...

我朋友禮拜天要考CFA level 1

Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2008-06-06T16:36
抱歉急問 我有一個朋友禮拜天就要考CFA level 1 可是他的護照在辦法國簽證 到禮拜天以前都沒辦法拿回來 請問用其他的身分證明文件像是身分證可以考嗎? 如果不行 有沒有什麼補救辦法呢? 感謝! - ...


Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2008-06-06T00:25
※ [本文轉錄自 Wanted 看板] 作者: chanelcat (晚安) 看板: Wanted 標題: [幫忙] 財金系學程指引? 時間: Thu Jun 5 22:18:27 2008 http://www.fin.ndhu.edu.tw/page10.htm 後三種學程 想要三選二 因 ...


Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2008-06-05T22:02
和朋友聊天時聽到有人說,太早把精算師考到,會有工作難找的狀況 因為公司可能會覺得養不起這種有照的...所以不錄用?. 因為在下和友人都還是學生,所以不知道實際上的狀況是不是像聽來的這樣呢?. 希望知道狀況的版友可以分享一下,以利人生規畫囉.. 另外想順便問一下,如果同時有精算師和 CFA 兩張照, ...

請問cfa的mock test

Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2008-06-05T17:22
考完之後想看題目是不是不行 她只有答案沒有題目很難對 不知道是我太笨還是真的沒辦法看到題目 請大大幫忙看看 - ...