[情報 MBA Interview Tips-Adapting Your Story - 工管

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2013-02-05T13:32

Table of Contents

There are hundreds of possible questions that the interviewer could ask you in

your MBA interview. But you only have a few days to prepare!

Preparing for every possible interview question will take a huge amount of time

and effort. You can save yourself time, and answer interview questions with

more impact by speaking to the meaning behind the questions, and adapting the

same story to multiple questions. That way, you will make sure that you can

discuss your best story, no matter what question you are asked.

Let's look at the meaning behind three different questions.

Question 1: Can You Tell Me About a Time You Demonstrated Leadership?

Question 2: Can You Tell Me About a Time You Overcame a Challenge?

Question 3: Please Tell Me About a Time You Worked Well on a Team, and What You Learned from Teamwork.

Although these questions are distinct, the meaning behind the questions are

similar. These questions are all mechanisms that your interviewer is using to

try to get inside of your head, figure out what type of a person you are, and

how you make decisions under pressure. They are trying to evaluate your

character, attitude, and ability to adapt to difficult situations.

Now, since the meaning behind the question is similar, we might be able to use

the same story to answer all three questions. We just need to ensure it's an

answer which shows what type of person we are, how we make decisions, and

then tailor the last part of the story to the question.

Sample Answer

"Sure, that's a really interesting question, Mr. Interviewer.

I started a nonprofit in college to collect used musical instruments to

donate to a needy school with gifted musical students and not enough musical

instruments. I had to drive all over Taipei to collect the used musical

instruments. I had to establish a not for profit organization to make the

donation legally, and also worked with my schoolmates to put on a charity

concert where we raised enough money to buy a brand new tuba - the most

expensive musical instrument. This experience was important to me

because it helped me to realize how valuable and rewarding it is to help

people less fortunate than myself, and that I can be successful in leading my

peers to have a positive impact on society."

At this point, the story above could answer any of the three questions we

touched on. As you can see the story contains elements of leadership,

elements of a challenge and elements of working on a team. Depending on which

question was asked, the story could be adapted to focus more on teamwork,

leadership or overcoming the challenge.

Spend some time considering how you would change this answer to fit these

questions. If you're going to be preparing for an MBA interview yourself, the

mental preparation and time you spend thinking about your answer will help you. In our next blog post we will show you precisely how we would customize an ending to this story for all three sample questions above.

In the meantime, if you have any questions about how best to prepare for your

MBA interview or optimize your application, please feel free to reach out to

me, David, at [email protected].

David Johnston
[email protected]

Tags: 工管

All Comments


John avatar
By John
at 2013-02-05T07:01
建議盡量越早申請越好 除了錄取機率比較高以外,即使錄取了也可以挑比較便宜的宿舍 還有如果有收到面試邀請,我會比較建議到洛桑面試 在新加坡面試的話,會比較競爭一點 (因為大多都是亞洲人) 雖然說學校排名有降低了(小班制跟學生工作經驗至少四年的缺點), 但是品質還是非常好的 :) 學校神奇的超人一堆啊~~ ...

有人錄取GWU MBA 2013 Fall嗎?

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2013-02-03T09:24
我是申請R1的12月份通知的 R2應該會比較晚通知 學校網站應該會有通知時間 再等等看 - ...

有人錄取GWU MBA 2013 Fall嗎?

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2013-02-02T21:57
請問有人錄取上GWU決定要去的嗎?在版上沒有看到徵求回覆 - ...

UIUC MBA & Maryland Smith MBA校友

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2013-02-02T13:19
小妹我最近在準備UIUC和Smith的面試 所以上來看看板上是否有UIUC MBA和Smith MBA的校友? 想要更進一步瞭解這兩學校的MBA Program (especially marketing), 學習環境和經驗等等 先謝謝各位前輩們的幫忙! -- 音樂史, 我永遠恨你.. (╯‵□′ ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2013-02-01T00:57
想請問大家 我大學gpa2.83 現在在念同一間學校同一科系的碩士班 想申請top 10 的mba 請問如果碩班拿4 可以彌補之前的不足嗎 另外 聽說top 10會偏好有志工服務的 是真的嗎 或是 我現在還能做哪些動作去挽救之前過低的gpa嗎 - ...