[情報Extracurricular Activities are Important - 工管

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2012-10-22T22:43

Table of Contents

I'm going to tell you three reasons why extracurricular and volunteer

activities are important for your MBA application.

1. You Have to Make Time for Extracurriculars & Volunteering

Admissions officers understand that students are busier now than they've ever

been before. They understand that insanely competitive MBA application

seasons like we saw in 2011 have driven many students to spend more time

preparing for tests, and honing their writing skills to ace their essays than

they ever have in the past.

Given that applicants are spending more time preparing for their MBA

applications than ever before, admissions officers are curious to see how

well a candidiate managed their time as a student and now as a professional.

Being an MBA candidate means that you will be working extremely hard to

advance in your career, while trying to prepare for GMAT while still having a

personal life. If you aren't able to make the time you need to lead a well

balanced life before you even start your MBA program, how are you going to

handle a whole new load of responsibilities while maintaining a lifestyle

which will contribute value to the world?

Extracurricular and volunteer activities showcase your time management

skills, or lack thereof. In your application essays, consider how you can

drive home the point that you are a masterful time manager who flourishes

with multiple commitments and responsibilities to the admissions committee.

2. Extracurricular Activities are Proof of your Passions

How can you tell what someone is actually passionate about? You look at how

they spend their time. Given that these activities show whether or not a

person is good at managing their time, we next turn to think about what they

spend their time on.

The thing is, it's really easy to write a list of incredible sounding

passions down on paper to impress a stranger. Writing down a list of passions

to persuade an admissions officer that you are a valuable asset to their

university is another matter altogether.

If Terry says that he's passionate about entrepreneurship in his MBA

application, but all of his extracurricular activities are playing basketball

and entering into video game tournaments, an admissions officer will really

have to wonder whether Terry is truly passionate about entrepreneurship. If,

on the other hand, Terry had formed a Student Entrepreneurship Alliance Club

during college and invited numerous inspiring entrepreneurs to come and speak

at his club, an admissions officer would have a much easier time believing

that Terry is passionate about entrepreneurship.

His extracurricular activities prove that he is passionate about

entrepreneurship by showing that he spends his free time, however scarce it

may be, educating himself and engaging with entrepreneurship.

3. Volunteer Activities Show Commitment to Social Justice

Along similar lines, volunteer activities are important to many schools.

Diversity, social justice, and a spirit of giving back are all important

points of any school's identity, and brand. Schools use these values to sell

themselves to potential students, and need to find a student body which

matches up with those values. When you volunteer at the Red Cross, start a

nonprofit organization, or tutor underprivileged children, it shows

admissions officers that you care about giving back to your community,

and that your values match up with the values of their school.

If Terry says that social justice is important to him in his MBA application,

but spends all of his time surfing the internet, an admissions officer

doesn't have a reason to believe that social justice is important to him. If

Terry had built a website which gives people an opportunity to donate money

to a children's charity, or to the fight to cure cancer, then admissions

staff have proof that Terry cares about social justice.

Your volunteer & extracurricular activities show admissions staff your values

better than a list or a essay ever could. They show a clear narrative story

about the type of person you are, the things which matter to you, and are

hard evidence of how you are likely to continue spending your time and

contributing value to your community once you are admitted to your new MBA


David Johnston
[email protected]

Tags: 工管

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Jake avatar
By Jake
at 2012-10-17T14:47
※ [本文轉錄自 studyabroad 看板 #1GVbGE43 ] 作者: tiantian1108 (廖甜頭) 看板: studyabroad 標題: [情報] 徵才-約聘招募顧問(找準留學生) 時間: Wed Oct 17 14:45:32 2012 iTech Group RECRUIT EXP ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2012-10-14T23:36
小弟剛剛退伍不久 大學跟研究所都是讀臺灣大學生物相關類系所 因為是轉學過來的,所以很開心,一頭栽入社團 早到晚退讓我有了兩個社團的幹部經驗,包括有交響樂團團長(社長)、服務性社團副社長 但是 就委屈了GPA,分別是可憐的 3.27/3.49 平均分數 78.71/8 ...


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2012-10-14T22:21
一般說來好像都都會建議兩年的MBA 因為一年的MBA不會有實習 不過經濟壓力的條件下 目前還是研究了幾間歐洲一年制MBA 以INSEAD來說 如果是春季班入學 會有兩個月的暑假可以實習 反而比秋季班好? 因為留學通常都會建議秋季班 ex:同學感情好 比較可以networking等等 不知道有沒有前輩是INSE ...


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2012-10-09T08:32
我托福剛好100分,GMAT是700分 前幾個月還沒考完時,曾在板上問過如果要上TOP30的學校, 需要幾分才是一個基本門檻 那時幾個板友有回答,總結起來差不多是托福要100,GMAT700以上 於是乎我真的就考到這樣 不過我當然希望申請更好的學校,例如TOP15的 或是所謂M7 但是這樣的話我要重新再考嗎? ...

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Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2012-10-08T12:01
Letand#39;s examine a hypothetical situation. Two students from Taiwan are applying to MBA programs in the United States: Terry, and Sharon. Terry and Sha ...