想請各位推薦不錯的精算所 - 金融分析師

By Iris
at 2005-09-28T20:38
at 2005-09-28T20:38
Table of Contents
※ 引述《moonriver (nothing)》之銘言:
: 因為打算出國讀精算所,只知道很少有學校有精算所
: 所以想請問哪裡可知道目前有幾間精算所
: 主要想去美國讀,當然英國、加拿大也不排斥
: 希望各位大大能推薦一下^^,謝謝
UIUC(dept. of Math) ===>想問英文全名
U of Minnesota(dept. of Math)--GRE Math required
UT-Austin(dept. of Math)
U of Nebraska-Lincoln(Actuarial Science Program)
U of Connecticut(dept. of Math)
U of Iowa(dept. of Statistics and Actuarial Science)
Boston U(Graduate School of Actuarial Science)
U of Waterloo(dept. of Statistics and Actuarial Science)--Canada
U of Western Ontario(dept. of Statistics and Actuarial Science)--Canada
Ball State U(Actuarial Science Program)
U of Pennsylvania(dept. of Risk Management and Operations Research)
U of Wisconsin-Madison(dept. of Actuarial Science,Risk Management and Insur)
NYU(Stern Business School)
Georgia State U
Temple U(Business School)
: 因為打算出國讀精算所,只知道很少有學校有精算所
: 所以想請問哪裡可知道目前有幾間精算所
: 主要想去美國讀,當然英國、加拿大也不排斥
: 希望各位大大能推薦一下^^,謝謝
UIUC(dept. of Math) ===>想問英文全名
U of Minnesota(dept. of Math)--GRE Math required
UT-Austin(dept. of Math)
U of Nebraska-Lincoln(Actuarial Science Program)
U of Connecticut(dept. of Math)
U of Iowa(dept. of Statistics and Actuarial Science)
Boston U(Graduate School of Actuarial Science)
U of Waterloo(dept. of Statistics and Actuarial Science)--Canada
U of Western Ontario(dept. of Statistics and Actuarial Science)--Canada
Ball State U(Actuarial Science Program)
U of Pennsylvania(dept. of Risk Management and Operations Research)
U of Wisconsin-Madison(dept. of Actuarial Science,Risk Management and Insur)
NYU(Stern Business School)
Georgia State U
Temple U(Business School)
All Comments

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