想請教一題CFA L1題目 - 金融分析師

By Audriana
at 2008-10-28T00:05
at 2008-10-28T00:05
Table of Contents
※ 引述《londor (I, 蘿蔔)》之銘言:
: Adams owns 100 shares of Brikley stock, which is trading at $86 per share,
: and Brown is short 200 shares of Brikley. Adams wants to buy 100 more
: shares if the price rises to $90, and Brown wants to cover his short
: position and take profits if the price falls to $75. The orders Adams and
: Brown should enter to accomplish their stated objectives are:
: Adams Brown
: A. Limit buy Limit buy
: B. Limit buy Stop buy
: C. Stop buy Limit buy
: D. Stop buy Stop buy
: 答案是給C,他給的解釋有寫等於沒寫,就把選項寫出來而已
: 正文沒有關於stop buy的文字,倒是有stop loss order,裡面有一個stop loss buy
: 就是在放空時使用,跟字面上一面,很直觀
: 那回到題目,Brown持有放空部位,為了避免損失擴大而下此單
: 這種情況不叫stop buy,反而是Adams的情況叫stop buy
: 所以我在想,是不是limit buy & stop buy的唯一判斷標準是市價與出價孰高孰低
: 麻煩了...請賜教教教教教~~~~~~~
stop buy order : a stock should be bought when its price rises above a limit.
=>if the price rises to $90, Adam就買到100股.
limit buy : buy shares if and when the stock price is obtained at or below
a specified limit.
=> if the price falls to $75, Brown就買到 (為了 cover his short position and
take profits)
這是我的理解 有錯也請指教 :>
: Adams owns 100 shares of Brikley stock, which is trading at $86 per share,
: and Brown is short 200 shares of Brikley. Adams wants to buy 100 more
: shares if the price rises to $90, and Brown wants to cover his short
: position and take profits if the price falls to $75. The orders Adams and
: Brown should enter to accomplish their stated objectives are:
: Adams Brown
: A. Limit buy Limit buy
: B. Limit buy Stop buy
: C. Stop buy Limit buy
: D. Stop buy Stop buy
: 答案是給C,他給的解釋有寫等於沒寫,就把選項寫出來而已
: 正文沒有關於stop buy的文字,倒是有stop loss order,裡面有一個stop loss buy
: 就是在放空時使用,跟字面上一面,很直觀
: 那回到題目,Brown持有放空部位,為了避免損失擴大而下此單
: 這種情況不叫stop buy,反而是Adams的情況叫stop buy
: 所以我在想,是不是limit buy & stop buy的唯一判斷標準是市價與出價孰高孰低
: 麻煩了...請賜教教教教教~~~~~~~
stop buy order : a stock should be bought when its price rises above a limit.
=>if the price rises to $90, Adam就買到100股.
limit buy : buy shares if and when the stock price is obtained at or below
a specified limit.
=> if the price falls to $75, Brown就買到 (為了 cover his short position and
take profits)
這是我的理解 有錯也請指教 :>
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