成會問題 - 會計

Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2012-09-11T13:05

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Lee Pet suppiles purchasesits onventory from a variety of supplies,

some of which require a six-week lead time before delivering the goods.

To ensure that she has a sufficient supply of goods on hand, Ms.Polk, the

owner, must maintain a large supply of inventory. The cost of the inventory

average $21,000. She usually finances the purchase of inventory and pays a

9 percent annual finance charge. Ms. Polk's accountant has suggested that

she establish a relationship with a single large distributor who can

satisfy all of her orders within a two-week time period. Given this quick

tumaround time, she will be able to reduce her average inventory balance to

$4,000. Ms.Polk also believes that she could save $2,500 per year by reducing

phone bills, insurance, and warehouse rental space costs associated with

ordering and maintaining larger level of inventory.


Based on the information provided, how much of Ms.Polk's inventory holding

cost could be eliminated by taking the accountant's advice?



Tags: 會計

All Comments


Una avatar
By Una
at 2012-09-11T08:33
: 我是外行人, : 抱歉 , 我朋友最近還到這個問題了 : 他的資本額 1800 萬, 成立 3 年還在虧 : 大概還要再虧 3 年 : 其實他也搞不清楚稅簽是什麼 : 因為他之前好像是書審還是查帳 : 他只知道每月的費用變很高 2000 變 4000 : 每年還要多交 4 萬的樣子 : 請問要建議他留在 ...


Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2012-09-11T08:22
徵求 郝強12堂IFRS速成班 及財報分析課程 上課講義 筆記 錄音檔 請來信順便報價 謝謝^^ - ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2012-09-10T23:36
大能公司採標準成本制,以下是其唯一產品之標準成本資料: 直接材料 $ 5 直接人工 $ 7 變動製造費用 $ 5 變動銷管費用 $ 2 售價 $40 大能公司工廠之產能為40000單位所有成本差異均結轉至銷貨成本。 2003年共出售30000單位之產品,且 ...

徵求101年審計學 CD志光超級函授 (金永勝)

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2012-09-10T23:22
各位大大您們好,小弟徵求101年審計學 CD志光超級函授 (金永勝),請站內信報價,謝謝^^. - ...

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2012-09-10T23:06
今年年初 本人親至名師補習班櫃台 購買101年柯憲榮老師 DVD函授課程 補習班所附的完整資料+全新總複習 (自己邊念邊做筆共30頁,剩下所有資料全新) 當初購買$11000 (101年稅法修正很多,靠補習班更新就不會漏掉) 因今年考上公職 本想今年3月至新機關報到後做轉售 但是擔心補習辦理寄送變更的過程中 ...