托福成績 - 工管

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2011-08-28T00:44

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※ 引述《askMBA (PTT_MBA)》之銘言:
: 第一次考gmat覺得自己運氣還不錯,考了750
: 可是托福怎麼考,都是在100~105附近打轉
: 但時間不多了,覺得也不想再花時間重考
: 我的105分數如下: R(30),L(28),S(22),W(25)
: 可是聽說好像,尤其是口說到不了25,會影響到學校是否給interview
: 不過我自己覺得我的口說應該不差,至少在美國交換學生一年
: 跟外國人講電話也沒太大問題
: 我承認自己對於托福有些輕忽,考過多次,實在沒很認真練習
: 想問說,真的有人因為托福口說但其他條件還不錯,而沒拿到面試嗎?
: 如果top 10學校是這樣,我會認真找時間重考
: 還是學校只是過了門檻就好了呢?
: 真希望大多數學校都定托福門檻,不定門檻,好像托福是愈高愈好 ><
As I mentioned in a previous reply about TOEFL, the adcoms consider the TOEFL
score in the context of everything else in your application. So, while it
certainly would be better to have a higher score in the speaking section, your
score also is not a "deal-breaker" if you do not have the time to retake the
test. What we suggest is that you use the optional essay to explain that your
English-speaking skill is much better than what your TOEFL score indicates, and
cite all the evidence you have to support this claim (e.g., your year abroad
in the US; your frequent interactions with English-speaking colleagues/clients;
etc.). As for the interview, from our private meetings with the adcoms of the
top 10 schools, we know that the adcoms actually use the interview to gauge
a foreign applicant's English commmunication skills.

Hope this helps. Good luck!

Kevin Chen
[email protected]

Tags: 工管

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Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2011-08-28T00:35
※ 引述《askMBA (PTT_MBA)》之銘言: : 我去年托福是105分, speaking是22分, : 然後申請了一些Top15的MBA, waitlist了幾間, : 但是最後都沒有備上, 所以今年還要再申請一次. : 那因為有一些MBA program建議聽說讀寫都要超過 ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2011-08-27T23:30
雖然此po文可能屬於CareerPlan or Salary板 但我想應該更適合po在MBA板 畢竟從事顧問業的可能很大部分是有MBA學歷的人 如果不適合請告知我一聲! 我目前在科技業任職 覺得工作內容有些一成不變 由於對服務客戶 解決客戶問題有相當高的熱誠 因此想轉換跑道到顧問業 在網路上搜尋了相 ...

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