數題英文問題 - 考試

By Christine
at 2016-06-23T05:11
at 2016-06-23T05:11
Table of Contents
[考題] 國考歷屆考題與考題觀念討論(書裡看到的選這個)請附上想法、出處
No.1-5 cloze
Intercultural communication is communication between members of different
cultures. This definition is simple, but the process is complex. Intercultural
communication involves differing perceptions, attitudes, and interpretations.
We know that even two people from the same culture can have communication
problems. People can unintentionally hurt each other by something they say or
do. Isn't it logical,then, that communication problems can be ___1__ among
people who do not have the benefit of shared experiences?
Cultures do not communicate; individuals do. Everyone has a __2___style of
communication, but cultures determine a general style for their members. The
relationship of the individual to his culture is analogous to that of an actor
and his director. The actor puts his own personality into his acting but is
nevertheless influenced by the director. We are not always aware of the subtle
influences of our culture. ___3___, we may not perceive that others are
influenced by their cultures as well.
Problems and misinterpretations do not occur every time when members from
rather than cultural two cultures communicate. However, when culture conflicts
do ___4___, they may be perceived as ____5___ rather than cultural.
(A)compared (B)compounded (C)compromised (D)completed
答案:(B) 疑問:為何答案是(B)
(A)unique (B)self (C)oneself (D)own
答案:(A) 疑問:為何答案是(A)不是(B)
(A)Besides (B)Likewise (C)However (D)Whereas
答案:(A) 疑問:為何答案是(A)不是(C),請英文專家解答,謝謝。
(A)rise (B)raise (C)arise (D)praise
答案:(C) 疑問:為何答案是(C)不是(B),raise不是有舉起之意嗎?
(A)general (B)gradual (C)powerful (D)personal
答案:(A) 疑問:為何答案是(A),是與rather than cultural相對嗎?
No.6 cloze
Recently we asked for your opinions about paying students to improve school
attendance or performance on tests. Some American schools are doing this. But
more of you were against the idea than were for it.
Some people said paying students send a message that __6___ is the only
valuable reward. Steven from China says students should study for knowledge.
Money may improve performance in the short term, he says, but we should think
about the long term.
Zhao Jing Tao, a college student in China, thought of an old saying.
Paying students is like "drinking poison to end thirst"-- trying to solve a
problem without considering the effects.
(A)knowledge (B)lecture (C)money (D)opinion
答案:(B) 疑問:為何答案不是(C),答案錯了嗎?
No.7-8 cloze
What are the requirements of a good learners' dictionary? Briefly, it should
include the right information, the information should be easy to find and--once
found--it should be easy to understand and easy to use.
Ensuring that we cover the "right" information calls, first, __7__ careful
analysis of all the available linguistic data. A large and diverse corpus is
an essential basis for this operation, __8___ it is only the starting point.
Intelligent data-extraction software enables us to get maximum value from
the corpus, and our editorial team has benefited from a collaboration with
University of Brighton's Information Technology Research Institute.
(A)at (B)out (C)in (D)for
答案:(D) 疑問:不懂這題,能否由高手回答。
(A)which (B)but (C)with (D)when
答案:(B) 疑問:為何答案不是(A)?
No.1-5 cloze
Intercultural communication is communication between members of different
cultures. This definition is simple, but the process is complex. Intercultural
communication involves differing perceptions, attitudes, and interpretations.
We know that even two people from the same culture can have communication
problems. People can unintentionally hurt each other by something they say or
do. Isn't it logical,then, that communication problems can be ___1__ among
people who do not have the benefit of shared experiences?
Cultures do not communicate; individuals do. Everyone has a __2___style of
communication, but cultures determine a general style for their members. The
relationship of the individual to his culture is analogous to that of an actor
and his director. The actor puts his own personality into his acting but is
nevertheless influenced by the director. We are not always aware of the subtle
influences of our culture. ___3___, we may not perceive that others are
influenced by their cultures as well.
Problems and misinterpretations do not occur every time when members from
rather than cultural two cultures communicate. However, when culture conflicts
do ___4___, they may be perceived as ____5___ rather than cultural.
(A)compared (B)compounded (C)compromised (D)completed
答案:(B) 疑問:為何答案是(B)
(A)unique (B)self (C)oneself (D)own
答案:(A) 疑問:為何答案是(A)不是(B)
(A)Besides (B)Likewise (C)However (D)Whereas
答案:(A) 疑問:為何答案是(A)不是(C),請英文專家解答,謝謝。
(A)rise (B)raise (C)arise (D)praise
答案:(C) 疑問:為何答案是(C)不是(B),raise不是有舉起之意嗎?
(A)general (B)gradual (C)powerful (D)personal
答案:(A) 疑問:為何答案是(A),是與rather than cultural相對嗎?
No.6 cloze
Recently we asked for your opinions about paying students to improve school
attendance or performance on tests. Some American schools are doing this. But
more of you were against the idea than were for it.
Some people said paying students send a message that __6___ is the only
valuable reward. Steven from China says students should study for knowledge.
Money may improve performance in the short term, he says, but we should think
about the long term.
Zhao Jing Tao, a college student in China, thought of an old saying.
Paying students is like "drinking poison to end thirst"-- trying to solve a
problem without considering the effects.
(A)knowledge (B)lecture (C)money (D)opinion
答案:(B) 疑問:為何答案不是(C),答案錯了嗎?
No.7-8 cloze
What are the requirements of a good learners' dictionary? Briefly, it should
include the right information, the information should be easy to find and--once
found--it should be easy to understand and easy to use.
Ensuring that we cover the "right" information calls, first, __7__ careful
analysis of all the available linguistic data. A large and diverse corpus is
an essential basis for this operation, __8___ it is only the starting point.
Intelligent data-extraction software enables us to get maximum value from
the corpus, and our editorial team has benefited from a collaboration with
University of Brighton's Information Technology Research Institute.
(A)at (B)out (C)in (D)for
答案:(D) 疑問:不懂這題,能否由高手回答。
(A)which (B)but (C)with (D)when
答案:(B) 疑問:為何答案不是(A)?
All Comments

By Bethany
at 2016-06-26T00:13
at 2016-06-26T00:13

By Lydia
at 2016-06-26T03:22
at 2016-06-26T03:22

By Valerie
at 2016-06-27T16:28
at 2016-06-27T16:28

By Gilbert
at 2016-07-01T03:43
at 2016-07-01T03:43

By Odelette
at 2016-07-05T17:56
at 2016-07-05T17:56

By Brianna
at 2016-07-07T05:25
at 2016-07-07T05:25

By Jacob
at 2016-07-08T17:15
at 2016-07-08T17:15

By Jacob
at 2016-07-09T08:43
at 2016-07-09T08:43

By Joseph
at 2016-07-10T21:51
at 2016-07-10T21:51

By Odelette
at 2016-07-11T15:35
at 2016-07-11T15:35

By Connor
at 2016-07-16T15:25
at 2016-07-16T15:25
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