新竹市 徵求希望能與外籍老師交談之英語學習者 - 求職

By Faithe
at 2009-10-01T22:28
at 2009-10-01T22:28
Table of Contents
一﹑年齡/性別(必填): 28/男
六﹑希望待遇(必填):300-500 /per hour 視對象年齡與學習需求
七﹑聯絡方式(必填,請盡量先以信箱聯絡):0975014743 可直接來電
或 [email protected] MSN詳談
Do you want to have experience of chatting with foreign people?
After leaving work place, you want to have a chance to chat with foreign
people face to face?
Do you want to have a private English teacher to converse with you but not
Hi, my nick name is AJ and I am a foreigner in Taiwan. My country’s
official education language is the English and I have had very great English
education since I was an elementary school student. So far, I have had
education in English for 22 years! In Taiwan, I also have experience on
helping my friends’ English homework and test preparation! One of my friends
is studying Australia for the master degree now!!
I am looking for people who want to improve his/her English reading, speaking
or writing skills.
Are you the one I am looking for?? If the answer is “YES”, please contact
with me as soon as possible!!
[email protected]
Please leave your name, age, gender, and the way to contact with you!!
No matter if it’s written in English or in Chinese!
好風景多的是 夕陽平常事
然而每天眼見的 永遠不相似
一﹑年齡/性別(必填): 28/男
六﹑希望待遇(必填):300-500 /per hour 視對象年齡與學習需求
七﹑聯絡方式(必填,請盡量先以信箱聯絡):0975014743 可直接來電
或 [email protected] MSN詳談
Do you want to have experience of chatting with foreign people?
After leaving work place, you want to have a chance to chat with foreign
people face to face?
Do you want to have a private English teacher to converse with you but not
Hi, my nick name is AJ and I am a foreigner in Taiwan. My country’s
official education language is the English and I have had very great English
education since I was an elementary school student. So far, I have had
education in English for 22 years! In Taiwan, I also have experience on
helping my friends’ English homework and test preparation! One of my friends
is studying Australia for the master degree now!!
I am looking for people who want to improve his/her English reading, speaking
or writing skills.
Are you the one I am looking for?? If the answer is “YES”, please contact
with me as soon as possible!!
[email protected]
Please leave your name, age, gender, and the way to contact with you!!
No matter if it’s written in English or in Chinese!
好風景多的是 夕陽平常事
然而每天眼見的 永遠不相似
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