新竹市 徵求希望能與外籍老師交談之英語學習者 - 求職

Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2009-10-01T22:28

Table of Contents


一﹑年齡/性別(必填): 28/男





六﹑希望待遇(必填):300-500 /per hour 視對象年齡與學習需求

七﹑聯絡方式(必填,請盡量先以信箱聯絡):0975014743 可直接來電
[email protected] MSN詳談



Do you want to have experience of chatting with foreign people?
After leaving work place, you want to have a chance to chat with foreign
people face to face?
Do you want to have a private English teacher to converse with you but not
Hi, my nick name is AJ and I am a foreigner in Taiwan. My country’s
official education language is the English and I have had very great English
education since I was an elementary school student. So far, I have had
education in English for 22 years! In Taiwan, I also have experience on
helping my friends’ English homework and test preparation! One of my friends
is studying Australia for the master degree now!!

I am looking for people who want to improve his/her English reading, speaking
or writing skills.

Are you the one I am looking for?? If the answer is “YES”, please contact
with me as soon as possible!!
[email protected]
Please leave your name, age, gender, and the way to contact with you!!
No matter if it’s written in English or in Chinese!


好風景多的是 夕陽平常事
然而每天眼見的 永遠不相似

Tags: 求職

All Comments


Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2009-10-01T17:20
一﹑年齡/性別(必填): 21歲/男 二﹑地點(必填): 游泳池,依顧客方便 三﹑學經歷: 國立高雄師範大學體育學系四年級 紅十字會救生員執照 高雄市游泳協會裁判執照 高雄市游泳協會c級教練執照 四﹑求職工作(必填): 游泳教學 五﹑可工作日期(必填): 依顧客方便為主,可協調 六﹑希望待遇(必填) ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2009-10-01T15:03
想請問一下板上的長輩們現在新竹(小弟我是新竹人)的科技也算是蠻發達的 但是為什麼每次在打工板上看到徵求試藥的地點都一定是在台北? 如果抽血檢驗的當天早上有課還要往返這樣搞不好會遲到也可能會影響 測試的結果 - ...

Taipei, Full-Time, Applification for A Post as AA/EA

Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2009-10-01T12:43
一﹑年齡/性別(必填):23/male (fresh graduate) 二﹑地點(必填):Taipei (both city andamp; county) 三﹑學經歷:Education Bachelor of Agriculture    Nat ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2009-10-01T12:09
失業率屢破新高,你還在找工作嗎? 平均薪資又縮水,你還在等機會嗎? 理財周刊與1111人力銀行攜手合作, 理財就從理薪水開始,打造你的職場黃金競爭力! ●理財周刊職涯系列講座之1 講題:財源不裁員‧就業不失業─打造求職金飯碗 時間:98年10月7日(星期三)19:00-21:00(18:30入場) 主講人: ...


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2009-10-01T09:41
一﹑年齡/性別(必填):男 二﹑地點(必填):台北縣市 三﹑學經歷:學士 四﹑求職工作(必填):英翻中,中翻英 五﹑可工作日期(必填):隨時 六﹑希望待遇(必填):600/A4大小 七﹑聯絡方式(必填,請盡量先以信箱聯絡):ocean72816athotmail.com 八﹑求職有效期限(必填) ...