有一題會計問題 - 會計

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2009-04-08T16:23

Table of Contents

正在學data flow diagram
但是 觀念聽起來簡單
真的要做起題目來 好難啊~
以下有一份問題(是英文的) 想請問有沒有大大是可以解的嗎
我知道感覺要花很多時間解 或是用一些concept來解釋也可以!

The following narrative describes Aegis Company's Billing Procedure:

Each evening the shipping department at Aegis Compnay forwards, to the billing
department, copy #2 of all shipping notices for goods shipped to customers
that day. The next day a billing clerk starts the billing process by obtaining
unit sales prices from a price list book and noting the prices on the shipping
notice. He then types a three part invoices for each shipment, mails the
original (copy 1) to the customer, and files copy 2 by customer name. From
invoice copy 3, the clerk prepares a batch total tape, staples the tape to the
batch of invoices, and sends the batch to the data processing department.

In data processing, a sata control clerk first enters the invoice batch total
in a control log. Then a data entry clerk keys each invoice on a key-to-tape
machine. The magnetic transaction tape that is produced by the keying operation
is sorted in customer account number order using a computer sort utility. At
5:00 PM each evening, the invoice transaction tape is run, together with the
previous day's accounts receivable master file tape, to produce an updated
master file. The update run also generates a daily summary report which is
compared to the batch control log total. If the totals agree (NOTE), the
report is stapled to the batch of invoices; and the package is filed by date.

NOTE: Exception routines are beyond the narrative's scope.


a. Prepare a table of entities and activities
b. Prepare a context diagram
c. Prepare a chronologically sorted table of entities and activities.
Indicate on this table the groupingbubble number and bubble titles - to be
used in preparing a level 0 logical DFD.
d. Prepare a logical data flow diagram (level 0 only)

但是碰到context diagram的部分就卡住了
卡在找不到main activity跟destination/sources的部分

然後我再來參考參考! 感謝~


我也要衝人氣 v( ̄﹏ ̄)o


Tags: 會計

All Comments

Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2009-04-11T14:14


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2009-04-07T22:51
中華公司生產之某項產品,全年需求量為3,600單位,每次之訂購成本 為$10,每次之整備成本 (Setup cost) 為$100,每單位之儲存成本為 $2,則該公司之經濟生產批量為多少? 麻煩大家,謝謝!! - ...


Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2009-04-07T22:11
請教一下版上各位 由於之前沒讀過會計 不是很懂 如果有錯還希望各位指正 最近了解一下十號公報 成本與市價孰低法,市價必須為淨變現價值 淨變現價值 = 市價 - 推銷費用 我的問題是 1.淨變現價值有可能是負值嗎?是否有上下限? 2.若可為負值,這樣資產負債表的存貨科目,有 ...


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2009-04-07T17:18
※ 引述《yayaflower (山上的孩子)》之銘言: : 請問記帳士跟會計師有什麼差別呢? 現在大一可以先把記帳士當成目標 : 再把會計師當成目標嗎? 我看到記帳士考試 都是很多關於稅務跟法規的東西 : 這跟會計師考的商法一樣嗎? 記帳士: 1.相對簡單 2.考科包括國文、會計、記帳士法、稅法、稅法 ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2009-04-07T12:58
請問記帳士跟會計師有什麼差別呢? 現在大一可以先把記帳士當成目標 再把會計師當成目標嗎? 我看到記帳士考試 都是很多關於稅務跟法規的東西 這跟會計師考的商法一樣嗎? - ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2009-04-07T12:01
如果你玩過現金流遊戲(Cashflow), 就更該來玩IPO! IPO就是 ”Initial Public Offering ”是企業界的桂冠,代表一家公司所提供的產品 或服務,受到大眾的肯定,所以大家願意投資這家公司。 一套遊戲多重關卡 (1) 初階:從練習消費、存錢、記帳到練習登記銀行 ...