有機化學 光譜 - 考試

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2011-05-01T23:56

Table of Contents

1.what m/z value would you predict for the most stable fragment peak in the
mass spectrum of 4-ethylheptane?

A) 128
B) 127
C) 113
D) 99
E) 85

Answer: B

我選E 我不知道錯在哪裡@@" 斷裂峰是在斷在較高級碳上對吧@@?

2. which of the following is highest in energy per photon?
A) electromagentic radiation with a wavenumber of 10的負二次方 cm-1
B) electromagentic radiation with a frequency of 10的七次方cm/s
C) electromagentic radiation with a frequency of 10的五次方cm/s
D) electromagentic radiation with a wavelength of 10 cm
E) electromagentic radiation with a wavenumber of 10的六次方cm

Answer: D
我選B@@ 因為我想說 能量跟頻率成正比@@" 錯在哪裡呢@@?

Tags: 考試

All Comments

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2011-05-02T07:00
第二題 單位 頻率單位是1/s吧
Damian avatar
By Damian
at 2011-05-02T20:37
看 M-1 第四號碳上的碳氫鍵被打斷 所以128-1 = 127
Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-05-07T12:43

Campbell Biology (9th Edition) Testbank 第九版 生物學題

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2011-04-28T13:59
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Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2011-04-27T09:43
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Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2011-04-27T07:27
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Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2011-04-26T11:21
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Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2011-04-26T11:08
如題 請來信 感謝~!! - ...