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Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2011-03-27T00:00

Table of Contents

Circulation As previously indicated, looking for respiratory signs and listening for the sound of stridor/hoarse or barking cough can be very useful indicators of severity of condition, but it is also important to consider the child's circulatory system. When assessing circulation as part of the ABC assessment it is important to record the child's heart rate, remembering that heart rates are also age related (see Table 2). It is useful to record the child's capillary refill, to check peripheral perfusion and to make a note of the child's skin temperature (ALSG 1997). Higginson et al (1996) suggest to the assessing nurse/doctor that it is possible to carry out this assessment in under a minute; other formal investigations should not be undertaken until this primary survey has been completed.It is imperative not to fall into the trap of automatically reaching for machinery when carrying out a nursing assessment. Equipment such as pulse oximeters is part of a secondary survey and, while they are useful when assessing effectiveness of breathing, they have their limitations. For example, to achieve an accurate reading, saturation monitors can take some time to set up, so valuable moments can be lostIt should be remembered that a child may have oxygen saturations above 95 per cent but the assessor is able to see increased work of breathing and respiratory distress which may indicate that the child would benefit from oxygen therapy regardless of their saturations. When primary assessments are carried out each identified problem discovered should be addressed before moving onto the next. For example, if the child has a poor colour and has increased respiratory distress then it would be appropriate to commence oxygen prior to assessing their circulatory status.
可以不要是奇摩或ggole 翻譯的那種
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Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2011-03-30T17:04
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2011-03-28T01:44
循環 如以前被表明,尋找呼吸標誌和細聽尖銳的聲響的聲音或沙啞或咆哮咳嗽可以是非常情况嚴肅有用的顯示,但是考慮child'也是重要的; s循环系统。 當估計循環作為ABC評估一部分时記錄child'是重要的; s心率,记得心率也是與年齡有關的(参见表2)。 記錄child'是有用的; s血絲替換物,檢查周邊灌注和记录下來child' s皮肤温度(ALSG 1997)。 higginson等(1996)建議給估計的護士或醫生執行這個評估在一分鐘內是可能的; 不應該承擔其他正式调查,直到這個基本调查完成了。 當執行護理評估时,不落入陷井自動到達機械的是必要的。 設備例如脈衝血氧定量計是一次次要勘測的一部分,並且,而他們是有用的,當估計呼吸的有效率时,他們有他們的限制。 例如,達到準確讀書,飽和顯示器可能花些不少时间設定,因此可貴的片刻可以丟失 應該記住孩子也許有在95%之上的氧氣飽和,但是科稅者能看不管他們的飽和,也許表明呼吸和呼吸困厄的增加的工作孩子會受益于氧疗。 當主要評估被執行时應該在移動论及被發現的每個辩认的問題在下上之前。 例如,如果孩子有一種恶劣的顏色和增加了呼吸困厄然後在估計他們的循環狀態之前開始氧氣是適當的。


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