求救!!關於資本預算的問題!! - 金融分析師

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2006-02-07T09:32

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The manufacture of polysyllabic acid is a competitive industry.
Most plants have an annual output of 100,000 tons. Operating costs are $.90
a ton, and the sales price is $1 a ton. A 100,000-ton plant costs $100,000
and has an indefinite life. Its current scrap value of $60,000 is expected
to decline to $57,900 over the next two years.

Phlogiston, Inc., proposes to invest $100,000 in a plant that employs a new
low-cost process to manufacture polysyllabic acid. The plant has the same
capacity as existing units, but operating costs are $.85 a ton. Phlogiston
estimates that it has two years’ lead over each of its rivals in use of
the process, but is unable to build any more plants itself before year 2.
Also it believes that demand over the next two years is likely to be sluggish
and that its new plant will therefore cause temporary overcapacity.

You can assume that there are no taxes and that the cost of capital is
10 percent.

a)By the end of year 2, the prospective increase in acid demand will
require the construction of several new plants using the Phlogiston process.
What is the likely NPV of such plants?
b)What does that imply for the price of polysyllabic acid in year 3 and beyond?
c)Would you expect existing plant to be scrapped in year 2?
How would your answer differ if scrap values were $40,000 or $80,000?
d)The acid plants of United Alchemists, Inc., have been fully depreciated.
Can it operate them profitably after year 2?
e)Acidosis, Inc., purchased a new plant last year for $100,000 and is writing
it down by $10,000 a year. Should it scrap this plant in year 2?
f)What would be the NPV of Phlogiston’s venture?


All Comments


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2006-02-06T20:51
※ 引述《lights (心像海市蜃樓)》之銘言: : 不好意思修正ㄧ下問題 : 問得不好害大家不太明白 : 應該是說當我有買權要做避險(例如拿到員工選擇權) : 而且市場上不存在選擇權市場時(公司不是很大,券商不一定願意做) : 1.因為我無法知道未來這段期間的實際波動率 : 我該如何估這個波動率會讓我 ...

請問有關CFA 1 準備書目

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2006-02-06T01:22
想請問一下各位 對於一個非財金相關科系出身的人 要準備CFA level 1需要參考那些書? 請問在以下網頁: http://www.efastcom.com/CFABookstore/control/productdetails?andamp;item_id=063104 所提到的四本書足夠嗎? 我已參 ...

請問2006 level 1的candidate readings?

Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2006-02-06T00:36
CFAI是否沒有出了呢?? 看了網業發現LEVEL2和3都還有candidate readings.. 唯獨level 1沒有..但卻出現一本叫做program readings的.. 不知道是否為同一本呢?? http://www.efastcom.com/CFABookstore/ ...

請問一下 台灣投信或券商有沒有開放暑뀠…

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2006-02-05T12:56
※ 引述《yaml (秘密)》之銘言: : 小妹興趣在equity research這塊 : 目前在歐洲念mba : 想回台灣做實習 : 可是不知道有沒有投信或券商有在徵人 : 有沒有業內的可以指點一下呢 : 感激不盡 有 但是要麻成績頂尖 要麻有家庭背景很強(老爹是大戶或是內部高官) 通常都是私底下內定 ...

請問一下 台灣投信或券商有沒有開放暑假實習的?

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2006-02-04T17:33
小妹興趣在equity research這塊 目前在歐洲念mba 想回台灣做實習 可是不知道有沒有投信或券商有在徵人 有沒有業內的可以指點一下呢 感激不盡 - ...