生物問題請教 - 考試

Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2011-02-20T17:58

Table of Contents

1. For the processing of visual information in the central nervous system of
humans, the neuronal projections of ganglion cells to the left and right lateral
geniculate nuclei (LGN) are
A) all ipsilateral, meaning that left eye projections stay on the left side
of the brain, and vice versa.
B) all contralateral, meaning that left eye projections project to the right
side of the brain, and vice versa.
C) ipsilateral for the temporal side of each retina, and contralateral for
the nasal side of each retina.
D) ipsilateral for the nasal side of each retina, and contralateral for the
temporal side of each retina.
E) randomly crossed in terms of which side of the retina projects to either
the left or right side of the brain.
Answer: C
2.Experiments with genetically altered mice showed that the mice would consume
abnormally high amounts of bitter-tasting compounds in water after their
A) hormone receptors for digestive hormones were reduced or eliminated,
showing that bitter tastes are reinforced by digestive responses.
B) salt-taste cells were altered to express receptors for bitter tastants,
suggesting that animals have unregulated salt appetites.
C) visual sense was reduced or eliminated, suggesting that mice learn visual
cues about bitter tastes.
D) olfactory sense was reduced or eliminated, suggesting that mice learn odor
cues about bitter tastes.
E) sweet-taste cells were altered to express receptors for bitter tastants,
suggesting that the sensation of taste depends only on which taste cell is stimulated.
Answer: E

Tags: 考試

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建國 黃志清 生物課本 (已售出)

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2011-02-18T19:58
品名 : 普通生物學精輯 22板 (上)、(下)冊 (已售出)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 地點 : 台中佳 外縣市須另負擔郵資 說明 : 此為現在黃老師上課之課本(最新版本) 去年考上後已用不到 生物78 外觀保存良好 將近八成新 ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2011-02-18T02:05
目前有一批3x後中西講義 在高雄 面交挑書 先來先選 滿意再買  書太多不一一列出   謝謝 如有犯版規 麻煩告知 先站內信聯絡 - ...


Steve avatar
By Steve
at 2011-02-18T00:05
哀 今天本來要去聽台北的建國說明會 上週其實有陪朋友聽過私醫聯招的說明會 但是講者及工作人員感覺一直要我付一百元然後保留名額之類 於是上週就跟她們說我其實是要聽下週的後中西說明會 但是今天 卻進不去 因為我忘了帶錢包出門 也沒有任何證件 連去台北車站的公車錢都是跟公車上好心正妹借的 所以 ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2011-02-17T09:48
很想請問一下 這兩個是考試一樣,但範圍一樣嗎? 因為打過去補習班問說是否可以在準備後醫的同時 去考私醫 有的說行..有的說不行= =..... 想來版上問一下,謝謝 - ...


James avatar
By James
at 2011-02-16T08:16
如題徵求後中全套教材,我住台中,請回站內信。 註明教材年度與講義完整度,謝謝。 PS 請先報價,本人很窮苦,所以還是要考慮一下生活費,謝謝。 -- 對酒 白居易 蝸牛角 ...