管會問題 - 會計

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2012-04-05T04:38

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Capital Motor Company makes electric cars and has only two
products, the Gogreen and the Gogreen. To produce the Gogreen, Capital
Motor employed assets of $27,000,000 at the beginning of the period,
and $26,800,000 of assets at the end of the period.
Other costs to manufacture the Gogreen include:

Direct materials $6000 per unit
Setup $2,600 per setup hour
Production $830 per machine hour

General administration and selling costs total $14,680,000 for the period.
In the current period, Capital Motor produced 20,000 Gogreen cars
using 12,000 setup hours and 350,400 machine hours. Capital Motor
sld these cars for $24,000 each.

1. Assuming that Capital Motor defines investment as average assets
during the period, what is the return of investment for the Gogreen division?

2. Calculate the residual income for the Gogreen if Capital Motor has a
required rate of return of 14% on investments.

解答如下:但不懂為何所有成本與銷售單價都須除以2呢? 是因為資產採平均法的關係嗎?
而Residual Income的required rate of return為何是12%,是解答錯了嗎?

Sales revenue ($12,000 × 10,000) $120,000,000
Direct materials ($3,000 × 10,000) $(30,000,000)
Setup ($1,300 × 6,000) (7,800,000)
Production ($415 × 175,200) (72,708,000)
Gross margin $ 9,492,000
Selling and administration (7,340,000)
Operating income $ 2,152,000

Average invested capital is ($13,500,000 + $13,400,000) ÷ 2 = $13,450,000

Residual income= $2,152,000 (12% × $13,450,000) = $538,000

Tags: 會計

All Comments

James avatar
By James
at 2012-04-07T06:47
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2012-04-10T17:35
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2012-04-14T18:50
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2012-04-17T09:42
題目的數字跑掉了? @@a


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2012-04-04T23:10
甲公司所採行確定給付退休金計畫於X2年1月1日之相關資訊如下: 預計給付義務 $(100,000) 退休金計畫資產之公允價值 80,000 未認列前期服務成本(每年攤銷$1,000) ...


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2012-04-04T22:52
大家好 小弟今天去志光問會計師函授 小姐說只有雲端函授 DVD函授已經沒有了 但我爬版明明去年還有人在賣DVD函授 難道是我被騙了? 雲端函授跟DVD還是有差別阿! 令請教一個問題 大家函授會推薦哪間補習班?(純補會計師的) - ...


Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2012-04-04T22:44
我這個暑假前修完初、中、高、成 暑假期間到事務所實習好嗎? 如果將來確定會走這一行的話 請多指教 -- posted from android bbs reader on my HTC Incredible S https://market.android.com/details?id=com.bbs. ...


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2012-04-04T22:25
100 年6 月1 日米奇公司支付$420,000 取得高飛公司30%股權, 且投資成本等於取得當日股權淨值,已知高飛公司100 年度淨利$240,000 (假設全年平均賺得),且於當年12 月發放現金股利$84,000, 試計算100年12 月31 日米奇公司帳上下列科目之餘額: (A)投資高飛公司 $ ...


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2012-04-04T21:53
※ 引述《tangerine5 (tangerine)》之銘言: : 若國維公司稅前純益為 $200,000, : 第一優先債券利息費用為 $30,000, : 第二優先債券利息費用 $10,000, : 第三優先債券利息費用 $20,000, : 則第二優先債券盈餘支付利息倍數為何? 2 ...