續: 英國財工所教會我的兩件事情 - 金融分析師

By Kumar
at 2007-02-27T20:46
at 2007-02-27T20:46
Table of Contents
Thanks for your judgement.
This is the way I'm saying and writing. I couldn't expect everyone will agree
the way I'm writing or not. Let's say my IB friends like the way I behave. But
some friends say i'm arrogant. Self-confidence and arrogant are only one line
Anyway, i just want to share my experience and encourage people to work in
London will not be dream as long as you have the following character. That's
all I want to express. But please don't judge me again. Because I don't want
to argue with anyone.
Kind Regards,
※ 引述《mizuou (mizuou)》之銘言:
: Very nicely said.
: But,
: Why I see more self-glorifying than sharing?
: I can understand your eagerness in letting people know how good you actually are.
: But if you'd learn to suppress the high-flying ego a bit, you'd actually gain
: more respect, in the long run.
: "Put your ambition in your pocket, don't wear it on your forehead."
: 'Getting in' is only the first step in your career, you don't want to be a
: quan or programmer for the rest of your life.
: With humility comes wisdom...Be wise!
: ※ 引述《PeterHsian (在投資銀行實習的感覺棒!)》之銘言:
: : 先說我的背景:
: : 我和上面那位強人是同班同學,她找不到工作的原因除了沒有認真找還有就是沒有工作經
: : 驗...不過她是真的蠻強的 :)
: : 我一點都不強...只是運氣好罷了
: : 下面是我的背景
: : 1.私立大學統計系畢業(GPA 3.8...不怎麼好)
: : 2.大學最後一年在外商作Credit Risk Modelling(using SAS)
: : 3.當兵在空軍總部政戰部管預算編列,作了一些心戰研究分析...etc(純數學)
: : 4.當完兵,直接出國 剛出國英文只會簡單生活會話
: : 5.一年語言學校,一年Master (Cass Mathematical Trading and Finance)
: : 6.Master唸到一半,找到internship (Hedge funds Reasearch at Barclays Global
: : Investors)
: : 我的Title 是 Research Associate
: : 畢業論文被Barclays Global Investors當內部研討會paper發表
: : 7.九月畢業過二星期找到工作,公司幫我辦工作證,起薪和investment banking一樣高
: : 其實我唸碩士的時後蠻混的,我就是五科俱樂部其中一員,補考是很痛苦的事情...尤其在
: : 八月底的時後,論文deadline壓力大,又要唸五科書
: : 每天都作惡夢...
: : 簡單來說,要在倫敦找到IB的工作(我是作Credit Risk Modelling and Consultancy)要具
: : 備
: : 1.英文要好
: : 2.唸的學校要在倫敦爆有名(我們學校mtf在city of London是金字招牌,校友超多...所以
: : 上線機會高)
: : 3.大學的背景最好是數學,物理,統計...
: : 4.程式要很強(SAS, S-Plus, Matlab, C++, VBA...etc)
: : 我找到internship的原因很簡單,因為我會用SAS和我的背景是統計...所以400多人丟只
: : 有我去interview,隔天就被通知要用我
: : 但是interview不容易,我當場被問機率轉換證明和Ito's Lemma...BGI有付我錢,500英
: : 鎊一星期...不無小補
: : 5.如果是國際學生,要努力找internship,找到intern後,你的一隻腳就已經進City of
: : London了
: : 在台灣的經驗他們不是很care,所以在倫敦的intern更重要...
: : 6.好朋友很重要,我的幾個好朋友都是在IB打滾好幾年的人(Goldman, Barclays
: : Capital, JP...),有trader, analyst, risk manager...etc
: : 他們幫我很多忙,不論是改CV, 準備interview,...etc 我去BGI interview前已經知道
: : 我老闆會問什麼問題...因為我同學是他朋友...
: : 我希望大學不是唸好學校的人不要灰心,碩士唸個好學校,找到工作,一切都漂白了
: : 希望大家加油 CL
Thanks for your judgement.
This is the way I'm saying and writing. I couldn't expect everyone will agree
the way I'm writing or not. Let's say my IB friends like the way I behave. But
some friends say i'm arrogant. Self-confidence and arrogant are only one line
Anyway, i just want to share my experience and encourage people to work in
London will not be dream as long as you have the following character. That's
all I want to express. But please don't judge me again. Because I don't want
to argue with anyone.
Kind Regards,
※ 引述《mizuou (mizuou)》之銘言:
: Very nicely said.
: But,
: Why I see more self-glorifying than sharing?
: I can understand your eagerness in letting people know how good you actually are.
: But if you'd learn to suppress the high-flying ego a bit, you'd actually gain
: more respect, in the long run.
: "Put your ambition in your pocket, don't wear it on your forehead."
: 'Getting in' is only the first step in your career, you don't want to be a
: quan or programmer for the rest of your life.
: With humility comes wisdom...Be wise!
: ※ 引述《PeterHsian (在投資銀行實習的感覺棒!)》之銘言:
: : 先說我的背景:
: : 我和上面那位強人是同班同學,她找不到工作的原因除了沒有認真找還有就是沒有工作經
: : 驗...不過她是真的蠻強的 :)
: : 我一點都不強...只是運氣好罷了
: : 下面是我的背景
: : 1.私立大學統計系畢業(GPA 3.8...不怎麼好)
: : 2.大學最後一年在外商作Credit Risk Modelling(using SAS)
: : 3.當兵在空軍總部政戰部管預算編列,作了一些心戰研究分析...etc(純數學)
: : 4.當完兵,直接出國 剛出國英文只會簡單生活會話
: : 5.一年語言學校,一年Master (Cass Mathematical Trading and Finance)
: : 6.Master唸到一半,找到internship (Hedge funds Reasearch at Barclays Global
: : Investors)
: : 我的Title 是 Research Associate
: : 畢業論文被Barclays Global Investors當內部研討會paper發表
: : 7.九月畢業過二星期找到工作,公司幫我辦工作證,起薪和investment banking一樣高
: : 其實我唸碩士的時後蠻混的,我就是五科俱樂部其中一員,補考是很痛苦的事情...尤其在
: : 八月底的時後,論文deadline壓力大,又要唸五科書
: : 每天都作惡夢...
: : 簡單來說,要在倫敦找到IB的工作(我是作Credit Risk Modelling and Consultancy)要具
: : 備
: : 1.英文要好
: : 2.唸的學校要在倫敦爆有名(我們學校mtf在city of London是金字招牌,校友超多...所以
: : 上線機會高)
: : 3.大學的背景最好是數學,物理,統計...
: : 4.程式要很強(SAS, S-Plus, Matlab, C++, VBA...etc)
: : 我找到internship的原因很簡單,因為我會用SAS和我的背景是統計...所以400多人丟只
: : 有我去interview,隔天就被通知要用我
: : 但是interview不容易,我當場被問機率轉換證明和Ito's Lemma...BGI有付我錢,500英
: : 鎊一星期...不無小補
: : 5.如果是國際學生,要努力找internship,找到intern後,你的一隻腳就已經進City of
: : London了
: : 在台灣的經驗他們不是很care,所以在倫敦的intern更重要...
: : 6.好朋友很重要,我的幾個好朋友都是在IB打滾好幾年的人(Goldman, Barclays
: : Capital, JP...),有trader, analyst, risk manager...etc
: : 他們幫我很多忙,不論是改CV, 準備interview,...etc 我去BGI interview前已經知道
: : 我老闆會問什麼問題...因為我同學是他朋友...
: : 我希望大學不是唸好學校的人不要灰心,碩士唸個好學校,找到工作,一切都漂白了
: : 希望大家加油 CL
All Comments

By William
at 2007-03-01T13:47
at 2007-03-01T13:47

By Rosalind
at 2007-03-05T12:19
at 2007-03-05T12:19

By Cara
at 2007-03-08T17:06
at 2007-03-08T17:06

By Kumar
at 2007-03-10T15:34
at 2007-03-10T15:34

By Tracy
at 2007-03-15T02:35
at 2007-03-15T02:35

By Queena
at 2007-03-15T15:34
at 2007-03-15T15:34

By Yuri
at 2007-03-17T13:05
at 2007-03-17T13:05

By Liam
at 2007-03-21T23:33
at 2007-03-21T23:33

By Jessica
at 2007-03-26T07:06
at 2007-03-26T07:06

By David
at 2007-03-30T12:00
at 2007-03-30T12:00

By Hedy
at 2007-04-02T18:54
at 2007-04-02T18:54

By Queena
at 2007-04-04T14:28
at 2007-04-04T14:28

By Gilbert
at 2007-04-06T06:12
at 2007-04-06T06:12

By Jacky
at 2007-04-07T04:24
at 2007-04-07T04:24

By Jacky
at 2007-04-09T02:27
at 2007-04-09T02:27

By Lauren
at 2007-04-13T08:37
at 2007-04-13T08:37

By Isla
at 2007-04-16T13:44
at 2007-04-16T13:44

By Todd Johnson
at 2007-04-17T05:44
at 2007-04-17T05:44

By Eden
at 2007-04-21T04:34
at 2007-04-21T04:34

By Lucy
at 2007-04-23T03:22
at 2007-04-23T03:22

By Olive
at 2007-04-24T05:51
at 2007-04-24T05:51
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