英文文法-基本動詞請益2013/1/9 - 考試

James avatar
By James
at 2013-01-09T22:59

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※ 引述《isaac028 (da)》之銘言:
: 不好意思,小弟才疏學淺,想請教各位大大幾題英文文法試題(出處:王怡華-文法練習1000
: 題)
: 1.The reason I didn't go to France was------a new job.
: (A)because I got (B)due to (C)that I got
: 答案:(C),為何不可選(A)?that & because後不是接完整子句嗎?(A)錯那兒呢?
A.應該要用because of
: 2.Though she didn't feed her baby milk or foods, he could------.
: (A)eat by himself
: (B)eat for himself
: 答案:(B),為何不可選(A)? 獨自靠自己吃!
B.eat for 這個用法我沒看過
: 3.If we hurry we can-----there in time for the opening speech.
: (A)go to (B)get to (C)go (D)get
: 答案:(D),為何不可選(B)?
: 4.I like Nancy but I do not like------.
: (A)her sing (B)her singing
: 答案:(B),鬼遮眼...(A)錯在那兒?
A改成her song
: 5.The people in general looked upon the situation-------.
: (A)as critical (B)to be critical (C)being critical (D)critical
: 答案:(A),不明白為何選它?
The people in general looked upon the situation (as being) critical.
=The people in general looked upon the situation as a critical thing.
=The people in general regarded the situation (as being) critical.
=The people in general regarded the situation as a critical thing.
look upon 和 regard 都是不完全及物動詞,其受詞後須加補語(Complement)使語意完整,
: 6.Teaching and learning are part of the same educational experience,
: but unfortunately they are ofen thought of------.
: (A)to be separate
: (B)as separate
: (C)separate
: (D)as to be separate
: 答案:(B),被認為當作分開的...有點怪
逗點之前是the same
逗點之後用but 因此不相同
think of 後面通常+N
因此think of 後面沒放名詞的狀況我還第一次看到!
: 謝謝~


Tags: 考試

All Comments

Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2013-01-14T22:00
Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2013-01-16T18:51
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2013-01-21T15:20
3的話C應該不行 get有arrive的意思
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2013-01-24T10:23
Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2013-01-27T00:04
第1題的A是要加"because that+子句"才對吧?
Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2013-01-30T16:50
(因為"because of"後面應該接名詞)


Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2013-01-09T22:26
朋友預計考司特五等,刑事訴訟法師資卻不知如何選擇...at_at 朋友之前有聽過周昉老師, 但周老師是上三四等的課,不適合細膩的五等。 想請大家推薦適合「五等」考試的「函授」師資,謝謝!! - ...


Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2013-01-09T22:15
我是上郭雋老師的公策 但老師的書看起來很不習慣... 所以想上完課再去買一本自習 請問大家有沒有推薦哪個老師的and#34;考試用書and#34; 希望不要是那種必須上課才能了解書意 可以自行閱讀的那種!!觀念寫的清晰明白~ 謝謝唷~~~ - ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2013-01-09T22:11
不好意思,小弟才疏學淺,想請教各位大大幾題英文文法試題(出處:王怡華-文法練習1000 題) 1.The reason I didnand#39;t go to France was------a new job. (A)because I got (B)due to (C)that I got 答案 ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2013-01-09T21:57
大家好~想請教一下版友~ 朋友參加去年的台中市交通局僱用人員(第二組-業務助理)甄試, https://www.ting-wen.com/DiscussCom/detail.aspx?key=14495 http://tcgs.oit.fcu.edu.tw/ 不過結果是備取(算前段吧~但自覺機會不大~) ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2013-01-09T20:38
請問 身特除了不考英文之外 跟一般的考試、還有其他差別嗎? [身特的五等考試每一科目似乎都沒有考申論題?] 除此之外還有差別嗎 身特的考題跟一般考試難度一樣嗎 - ...