英文文法-連接詞&特殊構句請益2013/1/26 - 考試

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2013-01-26T23:27

Table of Contents

※ 引述《isaac028 (da)》之銘言:
: 不好意思,小弟才疏學淺,想請教各位大大幾題英文文法試題
: (出處:王怡華-文法練習1000題)
: 1.The report------President Kennedy had been killed gave me quite a shock.
: (A)which (B)that (C)what (D)when
: 答案:(B),為何不可選(A)?
which+V. A不能選
The report that President Kennedy had been killed 這件事情 整個當主詞
然後gave me a shock
: 2.------grammer is concerned, there is nothing to be desired
: in this commposition.
: (A) So far as
: (B) So that
: (C) According as
: (D) As well as
as far as.... concerned 就...而言
: 答案:(A),不明白為何選它?
: 3.Down------.
: (A) came the shower in torrents
: (B) the shower came in torrents
: (C) the shower in torrents came
: (D) in torrents the shower came
原句:The shower was came down in torrents.
: 答案:(A),為何不可選(B)? Down非"否定adv",為何需作倒裝?
: 4.Under no circumstances-------be left on.
: (A) do the switch
: (B) the switch must
: (C) the switch will
: (D) must the switch
: 答案:(D),為何不可選(A)?
原句:The switch must be left on under no circumstances.
: 5.At no point of the river-----the enemy advanced more
: than a mile.
: (A)have (B)did (C)were (D)could
: 答案:(A),不明白為何選它?
原句:The enemy have advanced more than a mile at no point of the river.
have +pp. have+advanced
: 6.How many people-----the concert last night?
: (A) did attend
: (B) was attending
: (C) did they attend
: (D) attended
: 答案:(D),為何不可選(A)?
通常用過去式應該會用attended 不會用did attend吧
I attended the meeting last night.
I did attend the meeting last night.
: 7.-------was his diligence that everyone praised him.
: (A)So (B)Such (C)It (D)What
: 答案:(B),為何不可選(C)? => It is/was ~ that~ 強調語句嗎?
: 感謝~~

Genius was 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.

by Thomas Alva. Edison

Tags: 考試

All Comments

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2013-01-27T09:08
Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2013-01-30T05:42
第六題好怪! 問句可以沒有助動詞? 第七題我猜是語意
Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2013-02-03T01:13
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2013-02-06T23:11


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2013-01-26T21:36
爬過版規沒看到有相關規定 如果還是有觸犯板規馬上自D 是這樣的 小弟是志光視訊班課程 在心測高明老師課上偶爾都會聽到關於他在學校的趣事 (PS:老師真的很幽默) 聽起來他似乎還有在任教(好像在中部) 所以想問的是有人知道他在哪邊任教嗎 我想找時間利用老師的課時去做問題的詢問 如果直接推文有疑應該可以站內信吧? ...

經濟學 94關務

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2013-01-26T21:26
1.下列何者終究會使M1B減少? (A)銀行減少超額準備 (B)某甲將活期存款戶款提出以現金方式持有 (C)法定準備率降低 (D)某甲將定存改存活期存款 ANS:(B) A.C.D 沒問題 在下的疑問:(B)M1B=通貨淨額+活存+支存+活儲 將活存提出後,活存項目減少,以 ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2013-01-26T20:28
http://wwwc.moex.gov.tw/ExamQuesFiles/Question/098/008634400.pdf 第三題布雷登循環是不是題目出錯了.... 題目給的是T1=300K T2=1200K 想法:1到2 等熵壓縮過程 P2/P1=Pr2/Pr1 題目已知壓力比=8 查空氣表 ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2013-01-26T18:54
若對需求彈性與邊際成本皆固定的獨占廠商產出從量課徵貨物稅, 則在追求利潤極大化與不考慮差別取價的情況下,廠商將稅負轉嫁 給消費者的程度為何? (A)等於零 (B)大於100% (C)等於100% (D)小於100% 答案:(B)大於100% - ...


Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2013-01-26T15:40
1.高點文化 英文熱門題庫 林惠華 2. 志光 英文歷屆測驗題庫Qandamp;A 顏弘‧顏國秉 3.爬文 爬到的 建宏 活用圖解英文法(AB不分售)革新版 陳啟賢、陳明亮 4. 知識工場 一考就上!考公職一定要會的英文題庫大全(1書+1歷屆試題光碟) 蘇秦 ...