英文翻譯自傳翻譯 - 工作

Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2012-07-17T00:00

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Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2012-07-20T04:34
I grow at the small family of standard among, in the economic condition etc., family each other gets along with also extremely harmonious.From small have already inheritted mama Ba's born nature bright and bumbling personality, this kind of characteristic also makes me very easy to get along with others, the relationship is rather good;The way that the parents teach to adopt a free development to my tube, and had strong row curiosity since the childhood of I, there were more chances to continuously get in touch with oneself to have interest thing, spare time of I often exercised and listenned to music and sang a song, basically action all can. At the school major in to automate an engineering department, the scope included an electronics, electrical engineering, related contents like machine,etc, also joined the association of military band in the school at the same time, strong of expect to even sign the contract that sports games help gives musical performance with TSMC to be as long as three years, and go a trail to be in use at the person of XiMending the ceremony carry on opening to give musical performance, various honors make me live in the group and pursue higher heart of honor persists very much and also let I at retire from the army the juniors to company can own to be strict with oneself, and follow male
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2012-07-21T15:15
這樣的自傳, 大概只有台灣或是大陸華人公司才會看.
外商公司看到這樣的自傳, 即使是英文版, 我們一律丟廢紙回收箱.
2012-07-18 01:14:44 補充:
寫簡歷, 是要你用短篇幅說服人事主任, 讓他知道你憑什麼可以到他們公司上班.
讓他對你好奇, 進而仔細推敲你的履歷表.
你跟他講考慮日後退休, 跟他講你遺傳父母什麼什麼, 離開前面的公司多傷感, 這跟他找未來員工有什麼關聯痛癢 ? 你父母的優點不見得是你的. 個性開朗, 四面八方交際可是完不了一樣工, 一點屁用的沒有. 換做是你, 你會雇這樣的人嗎 ?
易身處地, 你覺得這樣的簡歷有多少用 ?
這根本不是翻譯問題, 完全是沒辦法針對重點回答問題.
2012-07-18 22:06:32 補充:
你要看真的英文簡歷, 去 LinkedIn.com, 隨便翻, 一大票真槍實彈的簡歷在上面讓你參考. 看 Summary 就行了.
2012-07-23 23:08:08 補充:
看著你這個版本, 實在很難寫你的簡歷.
因為從你的中文版, 實在沒有東西可以改寫成英文簡歷, 你就參考一下吧,
Highly self-motivated individual seeking opportunity to contribute10+ years of hand-on experience in marketing, electronic engineering, and related management fields.
Proven fast learner and leadership, delivered projects on-time and within budgets.
Can work independently and great team player to complete tasks assigned.
Proficient in English and Japanese, native in Chinese / mandarin.
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2012-07-17T16:16
001 是翻譯軟體翻的杷
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2012-07-17T09:22
I grew up in the standard small family economic conditions, medium and family members are getting along extremely harmonious. Childhood genetic parents very outgoing, sloppy personality, such characteristics also makes me very easy to get along with others, interpersonal relationships quite well; parents to take the free development of the discipline, while small in strong curiosity I have more opportunities to continue to contact their own interest in things, spare time, regular exercise, listening to music, singing, basically movement can be.
In school majoring in automation engineering, scope covers electronics, electrical, mechanical and other related content, but also to participate in the school marching societies, the prosperity of the period and even signed with TSMC Games contract to assist in playing up to three years, and the opening ceremony of the opening of the play, all the glory that led me to very persistent in the community life and the pursuit of a higher honor, let me company may have retired backward to exercise self-discipline, and to comply with company rules and regulations the concept of the operation of the West Gate pedestrian trails, which has a considerable impact on future business work.
Graduated has been more than a decade, was promoted to the main point of business all the way from the card's automotive beauty grass-roots business manager, reached a rate of performance and management of staff, paid a considerable amount of effort, this time to get my experience along with salary increase in the accumulated, let me leave that add to the dismay into the corporate apparel industry in high forest, although previous work different, but the required business experience is still the same, nearly three years of experience accumulated, so I understand need 隔行如隔山 to pay quite a lot of effort to maintain my ambition and fighting power to consider the work of the weekly rest is relatively stable, and resolutely to leave and enter the now still


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2012-07-17T00:00
生日:1986年10月31日肖虎下午18:15生最近想轉職朝永X房屋發展請問我適合做房仲嗎?如真的適合,那進去的時間是何 ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2012-07-17T00:00
我在某家飲料店工作約六天總共約30個小時一開始副店長只跟我說月薪沒有跟我說到時薪的部分而且他們採電腦是� ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2012-07-17T00:00
我是男同志我想最近煩惱到如果有一天我媽無法接受我因該會自殺因為最近看到很多影片讓我很想出櫃可是又沒有 ...


Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2012-07-17T00:00
我在六月七號車禍我是被載的對方轉彎車下巴旁有一公分撕裂傷算破相嗎?(我是女生)左邊手腳還沒好右邊腳底也沒 ...


Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2012-07-17T00:00
我要創精靈遊俠我按創角色可是找不到精靈遊俠!!各位大大教我創精靈遊俠!!不要亂回答喔!!!!!!!!!!�� ...