計畫是否可行? - 金融分析師
By Joseph
at 2006-07-20T01:07
at 2006-07-20T01:07
Table of Contents
想請問那一個沒有商學院學歷, 只有理工科碩士的人進的了MS, GS 等券商做
VP, D, or MD 嗎 ?
要拿到或勝任那樣的工作一定要修過那麼多課嘛 ?
有沒有別的路呢 ?
這些問題的答案關鍵在你自己到底有幾斤幾兩, 出社會這麼久了, 還在建中資優,
名校學歷, 大公司名號, 那就太懷舊了, 難道現在的我, 沒別的可以提嗎 ?
不是每個人都適合混金融業, 也不是資質好, 書讀多就混得好. 重點是知道自己
是哪塊料. 出國唸名校的好處是可以看看自己在 global competition 下位階何在.
該加強什麼, 該利用既有的什麼去讓自己更能看清楚這個世界, 更能夠在所謂的群雄
環伺下 如魚得水.
As an Asian, how far can you go in the Caucasian world ? As an Asian, where
would be the "center of gravity" for you ? As a US-educated, bilingual Chinese,
where and how can you find a job that is cut out for you ?
Professional expertise, language ability, global vision, persistence and
perserverance, hard work, integrity and consistency. All these are what
actually drive you through the ups and downs of your career. It doesn't
really matter where you'd end up, because if you live through all that, and
are still very much alive and kicking, then you're definitely going to be very
happy about what you have accomplished.
So the point is --- Know yourself, and be yourself. That's the first rule to
a happy and rewarding life.
Hope this helps,
All Comments
By Iris
at 2006-07-21T13:58
at 2006-07-21T13:58
By Daph Bay
at 2006-07-25T07:08
at 2006-07-25T07:08
By Eartha
at 2006-07-29T02:29
at 2006-07-29T02:29
By Thomas
at 2006-08-01T02:34
at 2006-08-01T02:34
By Queena
at 2006-08-05T19:21
at 2006-08-05T19:21
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