請三階段都通過的CFA Candidate注意 - 金融分析師

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2006-09-02T11:56

Table of Contents

We want to make you aware that because of the record number of candidates who
have successfully passed Level III, CFA Institute is currently receiving a
large volume of calls and e-mails from candidates anxious to complete the
final steps necessary to receive their CFA Charter. We are making every effort
to respond quickly to this service challenge. However due to the volume of
requests, we are experiencing longer wait times in answering inquiries. We
apologize for any inconvenience, and appreciate your patience during this
high volume period.

As a reminder, to receive your CFA charter, you must satisfy the requirements
to become a Regular member of CFA Institute. We would recommend the following
tips and resources to facilitate your completion of the final steps in the
membership processing:

1.To check the status of your current membership application: Please review
your status using the online member application
This tool will conveniently indicate if there are any outstanding items
needed to complete your application.
2.If your application for membership is complete: Please note that processing
your application at CFA Institute and confirming with your selected Society
may take up to 10 to 12 weeks. As soon as your application is approved, your
membership will be activated and you will be sent a letter confirming the
award of the Charter from our President and CEO, Jeff Diermeier, CFA.
3.If you are currently an Affiliate member: You will need to upgrade your
membership status by submitting your work experience to meet the member
experience requirements for Regular membership. Information about this
requirement is available at
Details of your work experience should include company name, employment
dates, job title, and narrative descriptions of your job duties. This
information may be emailed to [email protected] or can be submitted
by using the form available at

Thank you for your patience as we process a record number of CFA Charters this
year. Congratulations and we look forward to providing your CFA Charter in
the near future!



大學或研究所畢業,如牛劍,第二是一定要是CFA Charter Holder,然



All Comments

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2006-09-03T07:25
新鮮人沒工作經驗怎申請charter holder?

[進修]想 …

Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2006-09-02T09:28
看好今年的火箭陣容, 所以就來寫寫廢文賺賺 P 幣. 有用的研究的定義: For 博士班申請者: 看來像是內容紮實的碩士論文, better in English For 博士班學生 (academic track): 有發展潛力的題目, 可以生一串top journal papers For 博士班學生 ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2006-08-31T19:40
請問有人是做行為財務學相關的研究嗎? 我目前打算做這方面的論文 不過才剛起步 從頭開始自已找文獻和書來念 想找人一起討論或資源分享 希望能互相分享一些好文章或是其他相關的東西 不知有人有意願一起討論的嗎? 原則上應該就是線上討論吧~ 謝謝~ - ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2006-08-31T10:18
※ 引述《RockHundred (next goal)》之銘言: : 唸財工的時候有很多東西無法深入了解,所以準備學高統打基礎~ : 但因為自己統計基礎不是很好,修高統前想先自己看完一遍~ : 請教版大們一些小問題: : 1.一般書局好像沒有高統的書呢~之前聽說顏老師的書不錯~但沒在賣了? Hogg an ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2006-08-30T22:09
唸財工的時候有很多東西無法深入了解,所以準備學高統打基礎~ 但因為自己統計基礎不是很好,修高統前想先自己看完一遍~ 請教版大們一些小問題: 1.一般書局好像沒有高統的書呢~之前聽說顏老師的書不錯~但沒在賣了? 2.後來看上一本黃文璋的and#34;數理統計and#34;,不知內容跟高統是不是差很多?大 ...

level 3的書

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2006-08-30T19:19
請問一下2007年cfa level 3的書出了嗎? 謝謝:) - ...