請教CFA L1 會計部分問題 - 金融分析師

By Aaliyah
at 2009-08-12T00:06
at 2009-08-12T00:06
Table of Contents
1.Using the stright-line method of depreciation for reporting
purposes and accelerated depreciation for tax purposes would most
likely result in a
A valuation allowance
B deferred tax liability
C temporary difference
為何答案B不行呢?? 解答是說要認列在deferred tax asset
3.Income tax expense reported on a company's incom statement equals
taxs payable, plus the net increase in
A deferred tax asset and deferred tax liabilities
B deferred tax asset, less the net increase in deferred tax liabilities
C deferred tax liabilities, less the net increase in deferred tax asset
答案為何不是C 而是B呢? 而且後面的解答觀念也完全跟定義相反
請大大幫忙解答 感謝> <
1.Using the stright-line method of depreciation for reporting
purposes and accelerated depreciation for tax purposes would most
likely result in a
A valuation allowance
B deferred tax liability
C temporary difference
為何答案B不行呢?? 解答是說要認列在deferred tax asset
3.Income tax expense reported on a company's incom statement equals
taxs payable, plus the net increase in
A deferred tax asset and deferred tax liabilities
B deferred tax asset, less the net increase in deferred tax liabilities
C deferred tax liabilities, less the net increase in deferred tax asset
答案為何不是C 而是B呢? 而且後面的解答觀念也完全跟定義相反
請大大幫忙解答 感謝> <
All Comments

By Christine
at 2009-08-12T06:19
at 2009-08-12T06:19

By Quintina
at 2009-08-15T07:51
at 2009-08-15T07:51

By Edward Lewis
at 2009-08-18T12:09
at 2009-08-18T12:09

By Kelly
at 2009-08-18T13:12
at 2009-08-18T13:12

By Emily
at 2009-08-23T04:07
at 2009-08-23T04:07

By Tom
at 2009-08-23T22:12
at 2009-08-23T22:12
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