轉撥計價-95東吳 - 會計

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2010-03-10T23:44

Table of Contents

Calculate the Division operating income for the Best Company which manuf.only
one type of shoe and has two division.the Sole Division.and the Assembly Divi-
sion.The Sole Division manuf.soles for the Assembly Division.which competes t-
he shoe and sells it to retailers.The Sole Division "sell" soles to the Assem
bly Division.The market price for the Assembly Division to purchase a pair of
soles is $20.(ignore changes in inventory)The fixed costs for the Sole Divisi-
on are assumeed to be the same over the range of 50000~120000 units.The fixed
costs for the Assembly Division are assumed to be $7 per paur at 100000 units.
Sole's costs per Assembly's costs per
pair of soles completed pair of shoes
direct materials $4 $6
direct labor 3 2
variable overhead 2 1
Division fixed costs 1 7

Question:Calculate the difference amount in corporate net income between
Scenario A and B.if the Assembly Division sells 100000 paurs of
shoes for $60 per paur to customers.
Scenario A:Negotiated transfer price of $15 per pair of soles.
Scenario B:Market-based transfer price.

答案: 因為無論使用Scenario A或Scenario B.總公司之淨利皆相同
所以difference amount = 0


Tags: 會計

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Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2010-03-10T23:42
為什麼大家都一窩峰的想搶進四大,原因為何 大家討論一下吧! - ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2010-03-10T23:11
YP Company has a SAR (stock appreciation rights) plan for its key executives. This SAR plan allows each qualifying executive to receive cash,stock,or a com ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2010-03-10T22:37
煩請各位賢拜們解答一下 EPS一個疑問 題目其中有一個描述是 一家公司發行 10年 ,500張1000元,7% 的可轉債(利息發放於7/1、1/1) at 98 在 2006年7/1。 每一個可轉換50股普通股 at any interest date 債券折價攤銷用直線法。200張 於 2007年 ...


Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2010-03-10T22:05
20. 下列那一個因素與公司之長期舉債政策較無關聯性: (A)資金之用途 (B)未來現金流量或盈餘的穩定度 (C)邊際稅率的高低 (D)無形資產占總公司價值的高低 這題答案是A 27. 下列那一項不是構成管理當局得以操縱財務報表之原因: (A)企業的風險 (B)會計的複雜性 (C)資訊不對稱 (D)代 ...

[台北] 台大會計王全三老師專任助理

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2010-03-10T21:51
※ [本文轉錄自 job 看板] 作者: scarlee (^^) 看板: job 標題: [台北] 台大會計王全三老師專任助理 時間: Wed Mar 10 20:40:17 2010 【公司名稱】 國立台灣大學會計系王全三老師誠徵 【工作職缺】 專任研究助理 【希望性別】 不限 【工作內 ...