長江商學院 MBA 台北職涯座談會 - 4/22 - 工管

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2012-04-18T13:58

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本文連結: http://www.formosamba.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=33773


For venue and schedule information contact: [email protected]

Accelerate your career in the world's most exciting economy. On April 22nd,
join Gavin Liu, Senior Manager of CKGSB's Career Management Center, to
explore your career potential and goals and discover how CKGSB’s MBA program
in Beijing can provide you with access to a world of opportunity. During a
special MBA career information session, Mr. Liu will provide guidance on
career development and CKGSB admissions counseling.

About Gavin Liu
Senior Manager of Admissions and CKGSB's Career Management Center

After graduating from CKGSB MBA, Gavin Liu has worked as admissions manager,
career development manager, and senior manager of admissions and career
development respectively.

During the past 6 years, Gavin has provided consultations to thousands of MBA
applicants and has helped hundreds of MBA graduates to find their career

About Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business (CKGSB)
CKGSB was founded with funding from the Li Ka-Shing Foundation, the
charitable organization created by Li Ka-Shing-Chairman of Hutchison Whampoa
and Cheung Kong holdings, to develop business leaders for the future. As
China's only non-profit, independent MBA program, CKGSB strives to identify
students with potential to be those business leaders and provide them with
the support they need to develop their professional skills, business acumen,
and careers.

CKGSB's world class faculty, unmatched insight into China and its trading
partners, and the exceptional global learning opportunities that it provides
to students, all play a role in achieving this task. These are just a few of
the reasons why CKGSB has been named as one of the top MBA programs in Asia
by Business Week and has one of the most influential alumni networks in Asia.


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長江商學院 MBA 台北說明會

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By Ida
at 2012-04-16T15:37
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MBA: a journey to start a journey

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By Olga
at 2012-04-15T04:34
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