關於GPA很低的人 - 工管

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2011-04-08T17:15

Table of Contents

Overcoming a Low GPA

Many applicants believe that a low undergraduate GPA will prohibit them from
getting into an MBA or other graduate school program. While having a solid GPA
is a positive indicator in proving your academic potential, it is just one of
many factors that the admissions committee will evaluate to determine your
ability to succeed in an MBA program. Below is a list of steps that you can
take to overcome this weakness on your MBA applications.

- Get a high GMAT score.

Your GMAT score is the other primary indicator the admissions committee will
use to evaluate your intellectual capacity. Therefore, if you have a low GPA
the GMAT becomes even more important.

- Evaluate your college transcript.

If you earned solid grades on key business subjects, and poor grades on
subjects not related to business, be sure to highlight this distinction in your
optional essay. If your grades in key business subjects are weak, consider
taking supplemental college or online courses to prove your proficiency in
these areas - this will show that you do in fact have the ability to succeed in
those subjects and are working hard to improve yourself.

- Focus on extracurricular activities.

While you may not have been focused on studying in college, you may have had
extensive extracurricular involvement. In your essays and resume, be sure to
clearly explain the extent of your outside-of-class involvement, specifically
highlighting leadership and teamwork experiences.

- Write persuasive essays.

Almost every MBA program allows you to write an optional essay which is a great
place to address the low GPA issue. This is your opportunity to provide
legitimate reasons why you did not achieve as much as you should have due to
circumstances such as family issues, illness, transferring schools or switching
majors. The optional essay should be direct and brief, must not be full of
excuses and it must have a positive tone.

- Support from your recommenders.

The letters of recommendation are a key element to overcoming a low GPA. A
recommendation from a professor stating that the applicant is very smart and
that their GPA does not reflect their true academic potential can be very
powerful. Make sure you address this issue with your recommender before they
draft the recommendation letter.

Your past does not define your future. Keep in mind that admissions committees
are very pragmatic and are looking for people with strong future potential.
Subpar past academic performance will not automatically eliminate a candidate
from consideration if they can show that they have unique qualities and such
future potential. I have seen many candidates that did not have high GPAs
follow the steps above and gain acceptance into very good MBA programs,
including a candidate with a 1.9 GPA!


Transcend Admissions Consultants


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All Comments

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2011-04-11T23:39
推 講的真好
Harry avatar
By Harry
at 2011-04-16T04:31
Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2011-04-20T11:36
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2011-04-22T12:42


Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2011-04-07T22:44
看板上的各位有些很強上Wharton 有些則是Haas等名校 那為何感覺上Harvard的人是少之又少呢? 而且我看Harvard錄取mba的人數比Haas還要多不少 但感覺大家好像也比較多人上Haas?恩舉例啦 也看很多人都會有嘗試很多名校的心得文但很少嘗試Harvard的 有誰能分享一下原因嗎 ...

Brandeis MBA

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2011-04-07T22:09
Brandeis University phone interview 4/7 pm9:35-9:55 因為手機一直不進來 所以好像用系統上留的電話打到家裡了= = 不多說 馬上先問前三個問題整合回答 1.Why Brandeis 2.Long term goals 3.Short term goal ...

請問有UC Irvine的校友或錄取者嗎

Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2011-04-07T18:56
目前有拿到UCI的面試機會 由於投的學校不多 現在也只有這個機會 所以打算四月中(4/19)到學校進行面試 如果有校友或在學生或是今年錄取的同學 方便的話希望站內信聯絡 希望能有更多資訊 我真的很希望能好好把握這個機會 謝謝^^ - ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2011-04-07T18:46
關於MBA選校的問題困擾了許久 目前在UIUC和Rochester Simon間猶豫 我是唸會計的,但畢業後工作經驗與銀行有關,加上career goal 因此目標是希望major in finance 兩間都沒有給獎學金,所以財務上光學費Rochester貴了大約一倍 朋友在Rochester唸書,據說 ...

SKYPE interview

William avatar
By William
at 2011-04-07T17:17
hey this is eric from CEIBS. Let me know if u need any help for ur interview my email address is weric.m10atceibs.edu ※ 引述《life2002 (dog days)》之銘言: : ...