關於財務數學 - 金融分析師

By Caroline
at 2007-01-04T15:18
at 2007-01-04T15:18
Table of Contents
※ 引述《nomindman ()》之銘言:
: (t2-t1) (t2-t1) t2 _ t2-t
: F(t2) = F(t1) *(1+i) + Σct* (1+i) + ∫ c(t)*(1+i)dt
: t1
: ct present the net amount received (+) or paid out (-) at time t ,
: _
: c(t) is the net continuous rate of payment (received or paid out) at time t
: Suppose that a fund of money is observed over time, and the amount in the
: fund at time t is F(t). The fund earns interest and also receives and/or
: makes payments from time to time. If we wish to find the average annualized
: yield earned by the fund from time t1 to time t2 measured in years, we can
: formulate the yield as the internal rate of return i
: 請問這一段的意義以及數學式的意義是什麼欸.......
: 請好心的大大指點迷津.... <(_ _)> .....感恩
把這個式子分三項,F(t2) = f1 + f2 + f3
f1 是第一期的錢折現到t2
f2 是集合t1所有的ct然後折現到t2
f3 是把c(t)這個payment ( payment rate over time )折現,因為不同時間
的payment不同,所以model單位時間內的收入為 c(t)R^(t2-t1) dt,
◣ ◢ 歡迎參觀~*^^* http://snipurl.com/rf18
by redman
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