10 Best Places to Work & Most Expensive Places to learn - 工管

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2011-07-23T09:49

Table of Contents

MBA Show 又有新影片了,

It’s top 10 week at the MBA Show.
Tom and Miro review the best places for MBAs to work and
the most expensive business schools in the country.
Also, find out the easiest way to generate content for your personal brand.



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Tags: 工管

All Comments

Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2011-07-28T05:44
Very entertaining! (and true, too.)
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2011-07-30T11:32
realllllly funnnny
Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2011-07-30T12:56
money money money ~~

Re: Ask Jon Frank at PTT

Una avatar
By Una
at 2011-07-22T01:18
How does one decide if bschool is right for them? Hey gang, we were doing an interview on grad school and business school--thought Id share a quick Qandam ...


Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2011-07-21T20:48
※ 引述《askMBA (PTT_MBA)》之銘言: : 就是我本身是個個性比較內向的人, : 在學校和在公司大概都屬於低調、溫溫的那種 : 說好一聽一點是內斂,不好聽一點,就是我不太善於交際。 : 最近我跟他們聚餐,討論到自己正在準備申請MBA,因為我將來想盡管理顧問業。 : 他們卻一直認為我不適合,因為 ...


Olga avatar
By Olga
at 2011-07-21T17:09
Just be comfortable with who you are and find a career that will utilize your strengths and depend less on your weaknesses (socializing). MBA is not the o ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2011-07-21T14:38
Hi 小弟我過去做過兩年的業務,拋磚引玉一下 我過去是在某IT大通路商作半導體業務 公司業務將近千人,形形色色的人看過不少 不得不說作業務職位確實是訓練soft skill最好的舞台 要會喝,會自嗨(即使你自己覺得很不好笑), ...


Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2011-07-21T09:39
您好. 我本身也是一個內向的人,不善交際,拙於言辭 所以過去一年的MBA也唸的挺痛苦的. party, mixer, networking什麼的,都不是自己喜歡做的事 往往也都是強顏歡笑,不知道自己是去唸書還是去賣笑...... 但,是不是這樣的人就不適合唸MBA, 應該不是的 因為,真的什麼人都可以 ...