102 一般四等行政警察 英文 - 考試

Andy avatar
By Andy
at 2013-06-18T10:43

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※ 引述《j06nmp6 (j06nmp6)》之銘言:
: [考題] 國考歷屆考題與考題觀念討論(書裡看到的選這個)請附上想法、出處
: During courtships, young couples tend to neglect differences that in the long
: run will bring disharmony or even ruin to their marriages. These differences
: can range from trivialities such as the way one squeezes toothpaste out of a
: tube to more vital issues like budgeting for familial expenses. And today,
: more and more couples have turned to clinical psychologists for advice on their
: different attitudes toward housekeeping when quite a few marriages are actually
: wrecked because of this neat-messy issue. An old friend of mine happened to be
: a (44)of it. She kept stray dogs attracting hosts of flies, scattered things
: around the house, left the front yard unattended, etc.,(45)her ex-husband
: deeply resented all these. She and her ex-husband had been seeing marriage
: counselors for years before they finally got divorced. So, roadblocks to a
: happy marriage? Well, they can be anything you can think of.
: ANS:
: 44. victim
: 題目選項裡有sample,請問為什麼錯呢?
: 「作者剛好有個朋友也是這樣的例子(sample)」這樣的用法可以嗎?
用中文念很順,但是你看他句子後面的it,指的是前面的this neat-messy issue喔

: 45. while
: 題目選項裡有until為何不可用until呢?

: Many last names have been handed down for hundreds of years. The first person
: called Shepard may be a shepherd in the fields. The first person named Taylor
: was probably a tailor, cutting and sewing clothes for his neighbors. These
: names are occupational names because they described what a man did for a living
: .There are lots of names of this type still (49) though they may not describe
: the man’s job today.
: ANS:
: 49.in use
: 請問能不能使用 be used 呢?
: 這些類型的名字仍然「被使用」雖然並不是被用來形容一個人的職業
: 希望大家可以不吝幫忙解惑 謝謝各位!!!
be used後面要加by才會是被誰使用吧? 不然聽起來感覺是,"被用過"@@


Tags: 考試

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Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2013-06-18T10:31
唉...有好幾題唸書的時候都有念到 可是寫的時候卻被考題的文字遊戲騙了... 原本預估專業兩科最少都是8字頭起跳 結果今年專業命題令人傻眼,好多都是內部工作才會知道的東西 普通考生想讀也不讀不到的資訊... 公英今年也比較難... 看完答案後國文還有公英應該答案變動不大 專業科目的話,實作的東西我們非員工 ...


Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2013-06-18T10:29
請問一下 之前聽心理學程老師的講座說到 面授的記憶可以留存較久 相反的 視訊可能三個月後就淡忘 不知道差異真的有那麼大嗎? 謝謝 - ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2013-06-18T10:29
剛剛翻了一下運輸學顏進儒第二版P248 裡面沒有提到台鐵是屬於哪一種路權, 但是, 定義 A型路權:在土地使用強度較大的市區需採用高架或地下的方式, 以達到專用路權要求. B型路權:在隔離路段以特殊設施與其他交通隔離, 在路口仍受一般道路交通號誌管制(平交道算一般道路交通號誌嗎?) 雖然我也寫A 但是依照這定 ...

102 一般四等行政警察 英文

Callum avatar
By Callum
at 2013-06-18T10:22
[考題] 國考歷屆考題與考題觀念討論(書裡看到的選這個)請附上想法、出處 During courtships, young couples tend to neglect differences that in the long run will bring disharmony or even ruin ...

102四等行政警察 法學緒論第21題

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2013-06-18T10:05
題目: 甲要賣書每本320 元,卻誤寫為每本230 元,其法律效果為何? 答案是:(C)得撤銷 小弟想法是 依民法第88條第1項但書規定 若錯誤係因表意人自己之過失者 不得將其意思表示撤銷之 而本題中 題目中明顯看出是甲自己因過失而將價格標錯 依照民法第88條第1項但書的解釋 本題中甲應該是不得 ...