102年地特三等,法學緒論與英文,第39題 - 考試

Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2013-12-24T15:10

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※ 引述《p2squarefx (拼命四郎)》之銘言:
: [考題] 國考歷屆考題與考題觀念討論(書裡看到的選這個)請附上想法、出處
: 39 How did researchers confirm their theory about the remarkable effect of
: sugar?
: (A)They stopped feeding both groups of mice any more sugar.
: (B)They found that both groups of mice lost interest in the sweet food.
: (C)They gave both groups of mice a drug that blocks the release of
: beta-endorphins.
: (D)They measured the amount of beta-endorphins released in the blood of the
: mice.
: 答案是C
: 依據題目,研究人員用來驗證假設的藥,明明是阻斷受器,而並非停止製造
: beta-endorphin,所以答案(C)是絕對錯誤:
: Researchers confirmed their theory by giving both groups of mice Naltrexone,
: a drug that blocks beta-endorphin receptors.

你仔細看清楚c後面說的是blocks the release of beta-endorphins


原文是說隔絕接受器官的功能 使它不能接受到beta-endorphins


你隔絕a釋放 同時不是也隔絕了b接受嗎?


如果今天它本文是寫disable 那c可能就有問題了

: 因此,這題比較合理的答案應該是(B),因為只要餵了那種藥,糖不再有意義,自然就
: 沒了興趣。
: If you take Naltrexone, it does not matter how many beta-endorphins you
: release—you will not get any relief from pain. Sure enough, when the sugar-fed
: mice were given Naltrexone, they lost all interest in the sweetsubstance。
: .....
: Numbed by Naltrexone, both groups of mice cried equally often. The poor baby
: mice were still depressed—but now even sugar could not make them feel better.
: 我有哪裡理解錯誤嗎,沒有的話就準備疑義了

你自己都說了 只要餵了那種藥 就不會對糖有興趣



完全沒頭沒尾啊 如果沒有本文的話 光是這題題目+b 誰看得懂...



Tags: 考試

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Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2013-12-25T14:07
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2013-12-30T01:07
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2014-01-01T08:38
「both groups of mice lost interest」
Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2014-01-05T09:06
這種狀況題目中從沒出現過 反而被我優先刪去XD 好險


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2013-12-24T15:09
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Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
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