3 Things to Consider When Choosing a B-School - 工管

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2011-10-23T14:04

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So, you got accepted into more than one b-school and now you donˆt know what
to do. Itˆs a good problem to have – probably the best one you can have –
but a problem nonetheless.

Which do you choose?
And how do you make that decision?

Well, you can flip a coin… or consult a psychic….or take these 3 criteria
into account and make a smart, informed decision:

Brand Name/Reputation.
In the world of business, NOTHING is more important than brand name and
reputation. And this isnˆt just about a great name on your resume. Since so
many OTHER people are making the same MBA decisions based on brand name,
applicants entering the ¨best schools〃 are exposed to the smartest people,
the most influential alumni network, and the best opportunities. This is how
the game is played. Too many MBA applicants make the mistake of going to
Program A because it has the ¨best real estate program,〃 for example, when
they should really just go to the best school they can get into. Harvard
Business School, for example, only offers one real estate class. But if you
get in and you wanna get into the real estate business, of course you should
go to Harvard, one of the most prestigious b-schools in the world, and not
Program A.

Campus Culture.
Assuming that you are choosing between two comparably ranked programs, the
next step is to visit. Dig deep, meet with people, and see how the campus
feels. An applicantˆs gut reaction is VERY valuable in these situations, as
business schools DO have distinct personalities. If you are choosing between
U of Chicago and Kellogg for example, two comparably ranked programs, it is
CRITICAL to feel the vibe on both campuses. Why? Because they couldnˆt be
more different! Chicago is intense and academic, and Kellogg is far more
collegial, but you will never get a true sense for this unless you experience
the campuses first-hand. The schools host their own ¨meet and greet〃
weekends; go to them, and stay longer. Feel it for yourself.

Post-MBA Life.
Some schools have GREAT success, even in todayˆs depressed economy, at
getting recent MBA graduates JOBS. Some schools, for that matter, have
notoriously ineffective career services and recruiting departments. Indiana
University (Kelley), for example, has a FABULOUS track record at placing its
graduates in jobs, far better than other programs that are ¨higher ranked,〃
and isnˆt getting a job the point of getting an MBA? So it is certainly
worth investigating the statistics – compare starting salaries, percentage
of graduates employed, etc. And of course, reach out to current students and
recent alums; they will know the inside scoop. Ask ¯em point blank, ¨Are
your buddies getting good jobs?〃

With these three guideposts at your side, you should be just fine to decide
between two programs. First consider reputation, then how the schools feel,
then your chances of getting a JOB. Do NOT focus on scholarships, as
tempting as it may be to do so. After all, $20,000 here or there would
amount to next to nothing ten or twenty years from now…if you go to a
fabulous program.

Jon Frank
Founder Precision Essay

Tags: 工管

All Comments

Dora avatar
By Dora
at 2011-10-26T17:39
thanks for sharing^^


Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2011-10-23T00:12
本人是純理工科系畢業, 工作 5 年都是 RD 的工作. 因為是理工碩士畢業, 年齡也快 30 了. 最近有在思考職涯規劃的問題, 考慮再去念個 MBA 想請問各位過來人的意見和經驗~ 1. 若是想轉非 RD 職, ex: marketing/sales/PM. 是否必須念個 MBA 才容易轉換跑道 ...

紐約市立大學Baruch MBA亞洲說明會行程

Agatha avatar
By Agatha
at 2011-10-21T22:43
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Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2011-10-20T00:21
一些推薦信方面的問題,想請叫版友。 大學時代修了自己班導的三門課(均是經濟相關的)。前兩門課分別在大一和大二,因為 忙於社團,成績不是很理想都是六十幾分。到大四時跟導師提到未來有出國的打算,請她 高抬貴手,他也很大方給了八十幾分。 最近開始要寫推薦信。 1.導師這三門課剛好呈現一個成績跳躍提升的走勢,不知 ...

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