Should I Retake the GMAT? - 工管

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2011-10-19T14:36

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I have a good GMAT score…but not a great one. I have applied for Round 1,
but I will probably apply for R2 also. Should I retake the GMAT? Or should
I just focus on my essays at this stage?


This is a great question, and one that we are asked frequently, especially at
the end of the Round 1 cycle. And we all have hopes and dream of raising our
scores; I know Iˆve never met anyone who got an 800, have you? There is
always room to improve, right?

So, here is the way that we look at it. Ask yourself one question: did you
do abooouut as well as youˆd expected on the GMAT? If yes, then leave it
alone! There is NO reason to waste a ton of your time and energy trying to
improve your score if at the end of the day there is a good chance that your
score WONˆT go up. Only retake the GMAT if you truly believe that retaking
it will likely RAISE your score.

If you have a 650 and you honestly think that theres a shot that you can get
a 700, then retake the test. That is a good use of your time and will
improve your overall application. If, however, you have studied a lot and
650 is the best youˆve ever done…then leave it alone. Focus on OTHER
aspects of your application – perfect your essays, get GLOWING
recommendations, make that resume SING. Do not waste your time on retaking
the GMAT. The key is, only retake the test if you think you have a REAL shot
– a GOOD shot – 0f improving your score. Otherwise, dont waste your money
or your time.

Good luck in Round 2!
– Jon Frank
Founder Precision Essay

Tags: 工管

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